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    We often used worksheets and clients would be pissed. They expected to stretch out on a sofa and chat three or four times and then be ‘cured’.

    I didn’t drink at all during my pregnancy (mostly because I’m not much of a drinker anyway) but after about the three month mark I suddenly craved red wine like nothing I’ve ever experienced. If I walked by a table in a restaurant that was drinking wine I would take a huge breath and just savor the smell. Now, not

    I’ve come to the conclusion that most husbands are probably bullshit. Three weeks ago my husband and I were buying new appliances washer/dryer/dishwasher and the sales lady was SOOOO impressed when my husband mentioned a feature he was looking forward to using. She said ‘dishes and laundry! You’ve got a good one’

    It’s common for those exhibiting drug seeking behavior too.

    While at at 3 year old’s birthday party I overheard the mother of a violent ass little boy say ‘oh he’s just flirting with ALL the girls’ while indulgently chuckling.

    I cringed so hard watching her interview that I gave myself a migraine...part of me (cynically) wonders if Weinstein didn’t ‘pick’ McGowan BECAUSE he knew she wouldn’t be a ‘good’ victim.

    What’s the exchange rate for that?

    I Would lose my fucking shit if I had heard some asshole kids making fun of my husband (or anyone I loved). It reminds me of those jerks who mocked the fat guy dancing at a rave. I wanted to throw punches when I saw that.

    But parents wouldn’t lie to save face or get out of trouble! They’re the most noble of all humans!

    Because it either was not just once, very public and alarming to a neighbor, or left significant marks that were then identified by a care worker. Those are the only three reasons I’ve ever seen for removal after a spanking/whupping/beating.

    Beating with a belt is not a ‘spank’.

    Clients used to say that to me all the time...I’ve never drowned either but I know how to throw a lifesaver and do CPR.

    Agreed. I babysat my friends 14 month old, and during a game of ‘pop up’ where she or I would pop our head over a cushion (I’m not great with kids, or creative apparently) she tipped over and hit the wooden arm of the sofa. Hard. It was one of those injuries where the baby doesn’t cry right away because they’re

    My comment was in response to a poster noting that they’d already seen posts online supporting the ‘good guy with a gun’ myth. I was attempting (poorly I guess) to make the point that the crowd attacked probably had a decent amount of ‘good guys’ with guns, and it doesn’t make a difference in attacks like this.

    Jesus. Did that dipshit not realize it was a gigantic outdoor country concert in a hugely populated open carry state? Did they REALLY think no one near by had access to a weapon to ‘defend’ the crowd? It’s a OUTDOOR, COUNTRY festival, in an OPEN CARRY STATE. Probably the MOST gun friendly place he could have attacked,

    I think I know why *they* think gay sex might be so alluring...

    Doesn’t he mean to stray into homosexual relationships? Because I can’t see how legitimizing gay marriage or making acceptance of homosexuality common would in any way have an impact on ‘straight’ male sex lives...I can see how destigmatizing homosexuality might lead to more men leaving the closet though.

    I wondered the same thing? Some of her phrasing made it seem as though she was looking for problems or possibly magnifying their impact.

    She said it was most likely because there had been multiple other CPS complaints against her. Sounds like it was a ‘last straw’ sort of thing?

    Your husband sounds like a dick.