
That “documentary” was heavily skewed in favor of Avery; I know there were problems with the trial and that he should get a new one. However, I am convinced that he’s a guilty scumbag and I am not nearly as worried about this as I probably should be.

I’m so glad. The creators of that documentary had a clear agenda and I hope they are truly ashamed. So much left out and so many lies and half truths. They need to apologize and kindly fuck off forever for manipulating the idiot sheep of America into actually thinking there was a chance this violent, animal amd person

I posted this in response to something else, but it’s valid here. Jimmy is totally right. It’s insane how much sway the NRA’s relatively small, far-far-right voice has, but also emblematic of the way “governance” is done today. Congress does not give a single fuck what the majority of American people want. On any

Rapists gonna rape / men gonna make excuses

I worked on a film with her when I was a a lowly intern. She is an absolutely wonderful person, and while she definitely has a touch of Hollyweird in her (she’s married to one of the Cohen brothers), she reminded me a lot of my mom. She rode her bike everywhere on set instead of one of the chaffered Priuses they

He been looking like Jeffery Dahmer lately.

But Emma Stone’s hair is naturally blonde. She has said many times she dyes it red so the blonde look for her is legit.

Those “insiders” and anonymous sources at these same publications also said Harry was engaged or about to be engaged to Pippa soon after the Kate’s and Will’s wedding.

I got into the top ten comments of the week on a big music blog a couple months back for saying that Bieber’s current look is “youth pastor who just got arrested for statutory.”

Is Bieber TRYING to look like a sex offender?! Is this yet another new trend I haven’t heard of?

I think a better first step is to find stuff we all agree on. Not stuff about ourselves, but stuff about politics. I’ll start: free birth control for anybody who wants it, no questions, so caveats.

Yeah because the “straight white men are the source of all the worlds woes” narrative, has had no hand in cultivating the far-rightmare. Also thanks for proving my point. “If you don’t fully agree with me you’re not actually helping.” With such warm community building I can’t imagine why the left has such a problem

I have already seen the whole if I was there with my gun not as many people would have been killed . I mean come on this guy was set up like a sniper style and totally loaded up with guns . This is just so tragic I think I am exhausted by all the natural and man made tragedy .

At a country music festival there’s a good chance they’re NRA members.

Not only did Sandy Hook not do anything, but scumbag Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurtzelbacher actually said that 20 dead kids are less important than his Second Amendment rights.

Who talks like this?

He checked into a hotel with anywhere from 8 - 10 weapons, rented a room with a view of the menu, certainly seems premeditated.

If Sandy Hook didn’t bring about significant change, nothing will.

I don’t shoot them (much). I use them as part of WW2 and Vietnam war living history displays.

I fucking despise this miserable piece of shit who calls himself the president. Fucking “warmest condolences?” Is there ANYONE in the White House who can show this fuckhead the basics of language and tone????