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    Both my dad and I look younger than our ages, but even so, he took me to get my eyes dilated (because I couldn’t see) and the dr asked him if he was ‘ready to pick up his wife’. My dad freaked out.

    My very first job required me to spend hours on the phone walking callers through filing certain forms. One of my frequent callers was from Ireland. Unbeknownst to me I was mimicking her accent by the end of the call.

    You put one of mine in the hospital? I put one of YOURS in the morgue.

    It’s more likely a bit of jealousy or maybe pity? I’ve known a few women who think being a mother is the greatest, end all, best thing they’ve ever done (or any woman could ever experience). These women looked at my childlessness as either a sign of immaturity or pity for my empty existence.

    Cuz babies.

    I’m glad such a stellar parent is around to advise prospective mothers.

    I’m probably an atheist (probably only because I don’t usually think about it enough to even have a pat answer) but I was raised in a lapsed Catholic home and sent to evangelical school (no catholic school in my area).

    Don’t worry. Someday Mariah will wear a tribal headdress, throw shade on Beyoncé, or make a comment about feminism that no one likes and you’ll be vindicated.

    That’s horrifying. How did you keep from hammering his face in when you found him the second time? I think that would have been the perfect excuse for blind rage.

    **I know this is an OLD thread, but I had already started writing, so now I’m stuck.

    I’m stealing this. 1000%

    I lie all the time. I rarely ever lie about important things because I hate being caught in a lie, but little white lies and lies to protect feelings? Fuck yeah. Probably a few times a day.

    Then I’m surprised the mother even reported it.

    She probably *seduced* him.

    In North (or gasp and shudder...Kim’s defense) my niece has a friend named Brooklyn and heard that there was also a place called Brooklyn...so she asked if I ever thought she’d get to visit ‘Violet’ and if it was near Brooklyn. 

    You can NEVER say who is cute online unless he’s not typically attractive. If you pick a ‘unique’ man you’ll get a YAS QUEEN pile on. Otherwise...the Internet will kick your ‘shitty’ taste. It’s stung me before.

    I’ve been almost completely gray since 16...and I’m 33 now. I’ve been gray longer than not. Jesus. Writing that out feels weird.

    I *know* marital rape is a thing that happens, and probably happened/happens much more than anyone reports, but I can’t imagine being married to a person that rapes/raped me. You could never trust the person with whom you’re supposed to be the most vulnerable...how do you survive?

    What about rehoming an older dog? More mellow and less likely to be a 10 plus year commitment?

    It’s hard. We discussed this when my father in law was ill, whether or not we could take his elderly toy poodle (even though she’s kind of evil) and we decided we would because there’s no way anyone would ever adopt her.