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    My best friend is awesome in all ways BUT where food is concerned. I think she’s verging on disordered eating (eating so ‘cleanly’ and ‘healthy’ that it’s frighteningly limited and regimented) and while she goes way outside of her own comfort zone to feed her kids, she is very restrictive on treats.

    That was my first thought. Her father ruined her career.

    Home is whenever I’m with you.

    I can 1,000% say my father never wanted ANYTHING to do with my virginity. If I had asked my father to take me to a virginity dance his skin would have crawled off on its own to start a new life. 

    Because it ‘comes from the earth!’ it’s ‘natural’ ‘alcohol is way worse!’ etc and so on. If it IS addictive and CAN contribute to addictive behaviors and life damaging behavior/patterns then they can’t argue about how harmless it is.

    Many crack and cocaine addicts absolutely go through withdrawal symptoms. Shaking, nausea, pain, sleep disorder, etc...it may not be as bad as opiate/heroin withdrawal but it does exist.

    I did that too...but I’m a dipshit and parked MY car blocks away so she wouldn’t know I was near by. What I didn’t realize is that I had accidentally locked my own keys in my car. So when I was done laughing at her face she got an even better chance to laugh at mine when I realized I was stranded and locked out of my

    Italian here as well. We have great aunts, uncles, cousins, etc that we’ve NEVER even met because of an argument during WWII and the one of the 50-60's World Series.

    This woman is a teacher.

    Not to make light of your situation but I have a large Tupperware full of plastic grocery store/shopping bags that I use for small trash cans and cleaning out cat boxes...I have yelled at my husband for throwing away ‘good bags with handles!’. I swear it’s not compulsive, I really do use them and I never keep bags

    I taught my husband how to paint nails, wave and or straighten hair, and the appropriate way to braid. Whenever I feel to tired but want to primp I tell him I’d like his help and say ‘I got so many compliments the last time you painted/curled/braided/etc...’ And he proudly pampers me. He’s so pleased with his spa

    I got hummingbird. I wanted a mountain lion or tiger, but I got hummingbird.

    If it makes you feel any better I believe ALL(?) (of oj’s) proceeds must go to the family of his victims. IIRC he was halted from profiting off of his ‘memoirs’ and the Goldman family took over publishing rights? I think it’s part of his civil restitution case since he cried poor shortly after his trials. 

    I have a friend of a friend with a lovely British accent and it took me almost a year to realize she’s kind of a dipshit.

    Because they want to.

    I look almost exactly the same as I did 10 years ago...only my eyebrows and hair color have improved with increased resources. (Humbledbrag lessened by the fact that my awkward stage was 12-26, so my thirties have been more attractive than expected.)

    I love my dad, even though his politics embarrass me at times, because I know(as much as anyone can) his heart and mind and know where there is goodness and where there is room for change or enlightenment. Even though we do not agree on politics, if he ran for office I would support him as well (all the while hoping


    My husband refuses to throw old cords or chargers away. ONE time it came in handy so now he feels vindicated to hoard all plugs from today until eternity.

    Time is a cruel mistress.