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    I have avoided Twitter for years, but I actually created an account just to tweet support at her. The vitriol directed at her is insane. She doesn't appear to be a controversial performer, particularly political, or anything that might POSSIBLY cause the kind of reaction she has faced...nothing would excuse it, but it

    Same. I’ve never dated a man under 6'1. I'm a shorty from a family of tall people...talk people are my security blanket.

    If it were staged he’d be carrying a reusable burlap or canvas shopping bag and there’d also be some paper wrapped tulips hanging out. The plastic bag-baguette or not screams real life. Dreamy photo ops don’t include a plastic bag budget, you goose!

    I’m an excellent cook so I *kind of* like potlucks. I like the compliments and knowing that I will have at least one delicious (and safely prepared) dish to eat no matter what. But I also kind of hate them because I’ve had terrible luck with attending potlucks. I’ve attended more potlucks than I can count and have

    Also, as far as ‘first offense’ goes RAPE is pretty fucking bad. Are we to believe the judge would have thrown the book at him if his first offense had been speeding or shoplifting and THEN systematic planned sexual assault?

    I live in California and $2500 a month is nothing, especially in an area like LA. The discrepancy between visiting mom and dad’s house (and the lifestyle she will adjust to) is going to be enormous in a few years.

    I know two very sweet and caring people who became nurses, and I’m absolutely terrified for ANY of their patients. I do not know how they made it through school and passed their licensing but I am shocked that they did...I hate saying this because I care very much for both of them but they are not people who should be

    You know who acts like this? Teenagers who JUST read Romeo and Juliet.

    Agreed. I thought it was a typo at first. That's a rough 35.

    That was what stuck out to me. It kind of broke my heart when he said no one ever fed him or tried to make him feel happy or special...so he fell in love. That’s what your parents are supposed to do. I want to shake him and scream that she’s not special or good for being kind to you.

    I judge things all the time. Having and or using judgement (good, hopefully) is not a bad thing. The only things I don’t judge are animals and inanimate objects...except for a really douchey chair I saw once.

    My husband used to always say that ‘he hoped he had a son because he wanted to have the same experience he had with his dad’ and it made me cringe while I gently explained he could still have that with a daughter too. It didn’t seem like he really got the difference. And it’s always been a pet peeve for me since most

    I’m a tiny woman and am often infantilized, or considered ‘too delicate’, or cute, or young, or weak. People who get to know me will all tell me how shocking it was when they realized I’m stoic and ‘scary’ because I’m ‘so little and cute’.

    I was about to post ‘you can just leave work whenever you disagree with someone?!’ and then I realized devout Christians and celebrities aren’t like us ‘normies’

    I see so many people I know (formerly religious upbringing) complain about ‘PC police!’ Or ‘Political Correctness’ with the same disdain that I’d use to discuss white supremacy...I don’t get it.

    I’ve always felt like pulling a gun because you’re losing a fight YOU started should count as more of a crime, not less. That’s part of the reason I was so flummoxed by the Zimmerman verdict. Doesn’t bringing out a gun at a fist fight seem like more intent to harm or cause death than just carrying a weapon or fighting

    I think that is the guy who briefly played ‘Lucky’ on GH...Luke and Laura’s spawn...which I only know because (as a young feminist in training/baby riotgrrrrl) I was fascinated that a soap opera made their ‘main love for all times’ storyline about a woman who married her rapist. It was a summer of hate watching.

    One of my best friends is a nurse. She’s great and smart and capable (not just because she’s my friend either) and knowing her made me think nurses must be pretty cool...meeting her in-laws, who are also ALL nurses, destroyed all good will and benefit of the doubt I had previously granted nurses (based on my

    This guy reads like a fucking cartoon villain. Does no one love him enough to stop these tweets and his self published masturbatory blurbing?

    I didn’t know anything about the sex tape when Keeping Up with the Kardashians first came out, but I said at the time ‘that lawyer’s family has a show? From the oj trial...Now?’