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    Really? Good. (I usually don’t do well in medical emergency situations. I think I get too intense and emotionally involved to be calm and collected.) Everyone acted like I was being crazy and said stuff like ‘it’s not like in the movies’ ‘she’s going to seize anyways...’ because I guess people do some crazy things

    I had never even seen a seizure in a movie when my mom suddenly had a massive event (out of the blue) in the middle of a restaurant. It was horrifying. I had no idea what was happening or what to do. I thought she was choking at first and tried to pry her mouth open to get the food out (stupid, dangerous idea) and

    I never cry. Even after traumatic losses or horrible injury. I don’t know why. I thought I was crying once in public (shortly after my mom died) got embarrassed and started surreptitiously wiping my cheeks only to find them dry as a bone.

    I think messing with (or stealing, or overpowering) someone’s food is one of the MOST abusive things you can do. Food is primal. It’s one of the last things you can control when your life is in chaos and it’s a carryover from our lizard brains that our food is life and worth fighting for.

    This was the ONE thing that truly pissed me off as a server. More than cheapskates. More than gross flirting. More than pain in the ass jerks who though purchasing a meal made them my master and ‘their one night out’ gave them the right to ruin dining for everyone else...more than any of that were the douchebag

    I LOVE this little cafe down the street from my house. It’s so cute and independent and I want desperately for them to succeed, so the first few times I came by and they were sold out of TWO of my favorite items I was actually glad. I thought selling out meant they were doing well and I was happy for them.

    This is also the phrasing of someone who didn’t want sex ‘to get in the way’ of personal growth...I think maybe making sex more powerful than it is makes her feel like avoiding it is a sign of strength? Somehow heroic or honorable?

    I think it’s the ‘a lot’ that throws people off. I’m not an expert, but I would think ‘a lot’ of people being celibate in relationships by choice is probably statistically unlikely if not altogether untrue. Many. Several. Or frequently. Would be better qualifiers than ‘a lot’.

    That was my first question!

    I ALWAYS miss autumn. I look great in autumn tones. I look great in autumn clothes. I am a huge fan of coziness, cuddling, crisp breezes, and warm cider based beverages...I AM autumn. It’s my spirit season.

    I don’t exactly know who she is, and I never thought I would care about something like this, but I became so enraged when I read her post that I suddenly wanted to strike her about the face and head with my hands.

    It wasn't poignant enough without the photoshop tear? Who the fuck designs that?

    My mom got a brain tumor in her late 50's (me in my late 20's) and went from super mom, to petulant teen, to angry and scared child. Some shit happens regardless of age... But I do think that dynamic (somewhat) happens if a parent lives long enough. Responsibility switches.

    During my late teens and early 20's I had a boyfriend who would threaten self harm or suicide whenever I tried to leave him. He never threatened me physically, but there was a lot of ‘this will be your fault’ or ‘I’ll HAVE to if you leave...’ making me feel as though my staying with him and acting happy was the only

    I don’t work out because I’m lazy and would rather be 5lbs overweight and cozy than perfect and sweaty. As a lazy person, I can’t comment on post workout hair, but I did get a satin/silk pillowcase because I was told it would ‘save my style or blow out’ and it freakishly did. Even though I sleep like I'm being

    I’ve made this argument to my friend’s creepy nephew (the EXACT kind of guy you don’t want to have a gun) and his counter was ‘nu-uh! I use mine for target practice too!’....I replied ‘okay. Guns are only good for killing and practicing killing.’.

    Guns may not *make* people shoot others, but it’s IMPOSSIBLE to shoot them without a gun...so ‘guns don’t kill people arguments’ aren’t necessarily true either.

    I am 33. Last week I was carded by a man I am pretty sure I could have babysat. (Full disclosure I am very petite and I think it makes me seem much younger than I am, mostly because I’m about the same size as the average 10-11 year old, it’s as creepy as it sounds).

    Chris Pine is burningly unbangable, and not just because he was once inside of a Lohan.

    I almost evicted my roommate/best friend because huge amounts of my food would go missing every night. My favorite food, and eaten in such a way that it seemed intentional to ‘fuck with’ me. Like frosting scraped off of cake, or toppings eaten off of pizza but leaving soggy crust intact. Weird shit.