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    I’m so mad or scared by what I just watched that I can’t even.

    My mom didn’t lose her hair or a ton of weight during her treatment (chemo and surgery) of terminal cancer, and even though she seemed amazing to strangers and acquaintances WE could definitely see the difference and struggle.

    I really don’t know if I see this as a deliberate attempt to be scandalous or provocatively candid, so much as the result of having been raised in a sexually oppressed manner.

    Like how my cats own me? Or how most of my money, time, and love goes to them in exchange for brief moments twirling a feather and tiny kitty licks when I rub their tummies the right way? That kind of slavery?

    I like the joke about magic vagina, mostly because I also appear to have one...only mine doesn’t seem to draw as many decent targets. It just really attracts men that I could mostly do without, somehow tricking one night stands into thinking they’re in love or exes, friends, or former crushes into believing ‘I was the

    She looks so frumpy next to him.*

    Two of those three things are pretty bigfucking deals.

    Even if I *thought* I saw an alligator at a Disney resort in not sure I would consciously think it was ‘real’. Disney is usually so on top of their sites that I wouldn’t have thought an alligator would have been allowed on premises.

    All the more reason why I hope you escape your abuser. Stay safe.

    I wonder if telling her sister could have given her the anger, force, or courage to leave before putting in more years dependent on a possible rapist?

    I feel so fucking weird ‘starring’ a comment like yours because how awful, but I totally feel your ‘how much worse is first degree’ comment.

    I made the same point, that if she was shabby she’d get shit for that too, it’s just a way to talk smack and be sexist but pretend like it’s because she’s a fat cat politician mad with ambition...not ‘one of us normal folk’.

    My newsfeed is full of angry Bernie supporters claiming conspiracy, write in vote campaign, and posting fun little memes about how much each item of Hillary’s campaign wardrobe costs. I’m so ashamed of the people I know. More so than even the racists Trump supporters in my far extended family. At least they’re open

    Seems like decent work. Could be more ‘unfortunate’.

    One of my husband’s best friends in high school (and elementary school) was convicted of a drunk driving offense in which no one was injured but significant damage and expense to property occurred.

    Gay, obvs.

    Honestly it was sheer gut reaction fear, because the next day I started to wonder if I had misused the word ‘rape’. Had I diminished its power because I could have tried to stop it some othe way? Was I hysterical? But then I thought, who the fuck cares? I was being assaulted and then it stopped. I would have said or

    I woke up/came to in the middle of a man trying to get my panties off. I said ‘no’ and he didn’t stop, he tried sweet talking me. I said ‘please dont’ and he tried guilting me. I said ‘you’re raping me’ and he stopped dead away and jumped off like I was on fire.

    I can kill someone in 30 seconds. Does that mean I shouldn't be punished? Does he get that logic?

    1000% agree.