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    I’m saying that I don’t think his fame will hurt his wife’s career anymore than his arrests did. One can directly affect her ability to get work as a nurse and one is possible distraction and embarrassment. I doubt modeling will hurt his family anymore than criminal activity and incarceration did.

    If it wasn’t from his arrest I doubt it will be for his ‘fame’.

    We are also super good at violence, so there's that. 209!

    They said the same thing to my mom who had terminal cancer. I remember a shitty nurse snarking about ‘showing signs of addictive behavior’ because my mom said she was still in a lot of pain. I seriously wanted to slap the shit out of that nurse.

    I said the same thing. Several people claimed to hear him say he wanted to go in or jump in the water, and I know at least one woman (on the news) said her husband saw him climbing (or crawling?) but ‘didn’t get to him in time’...I’m almost positive that man saw and was scared to be a strange man touching a small

    The two and a half year old I babysit and I are NEVER more than 10 inches apart at anytime in public (exception being at the park playground, but often I’m still pretty close because bigger kids are rough as fuck).

    I’m almost positive Thor was AFTER her win for Black Swan. I thought hat was kind of the point, she was burnt out from so intense of a role because after that she made some goofy ass movies for a while.

    I’ve posted this story once before, but my bff’s husband impregnated his 20 year old cousin when he was only 13/14(?). Not only was his family totally okay with the incest angle, they were perfectly fine with age difference (or rape as most sane people call it).

    I saw those posts one or two weeks ago. Just a few seconds into reading the links I could see that his own evidence clearly pointed out that these were not trans people. Most of the examples were cisgender men wearing women’s underwear, stealing underthings, or hiding in in women’s restrooms for victims while dressed

    One of my best friends dad was a two time father and divorced by the time he graduated from high school.

    I'm neither rich nor a professional MUA and I managed to cover up bruises and tattoos on the reg. You can even work around puffiness and broken skin. Makeup is amazing, that's why we have special categories for it on awards shows.

    This statement is not at all intended as victim blaming (so I hope that’s not how its perceived) but whenever I hear stories about ‘best friends’ or ‘good friends’ raping people I always wonder ‘what do you consider best friend level?’.

    Fucking Andrea was always the worst.

    So as a talk show cohost I’m guessing he’s met Depp at least a few times, and since his job is dependent on schmoozing with celebrities this act isn’t great for Andy’s career...I’m willing to bet he’s seen some shit that would make a risk like this tweets seem reasonable.

    Not sure, I usually bought whole milk, but don't even want to risk it anymore.

    Milk (coffee/cereal) makes me horribly sick so I worried about lactose intolerance. I cut all dairy out and seemed fine (depressed because cheese is my true love) but livable. Had some wine one night and ate almost an entire block and wedge of fine cheese. No problems. Not even a rumble. Now I eat cheese whenever and

    I throw up if the wind even blows on me funny, and my husband developed the habit of scrubbing down the toilet the second I say ‘my stomach hurts’. So, even though (theoretically) I *could* hug and rub all over my toilet I never fucking do because that’s whack. And as far as I can tell I am NOT whack.

    Half of the 70 comments were about shitty Florida, a quarter about shitty roommates, and a quarter about how shitty the writer was for making a joke about the incident. Better not mention that (though) because it doesn’t really support your indignation, does it?

    You can compare threads all you like, I’m not your mother...but at least try to compare similar threads. Just because both are about DV does not mean they are equal or in the same category. It’s kind of a terrible comparison and I’m pretty sure you know that.

    Twitch guy was wearing s ‘Stop Domestic Violence’ shirt? Whaaaaaaaat? How uncanny. It’s exactly the same situation and the reasoning behind the comments is identical. It’s seamless.