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    A few years ago my BFF and I had a nearly friendship ending fight because she told me a sheepish but ‘funny’ story about how she had recently slapped her boyfriend mid argument.

    I’m a Jennifer with a similarly common last name. I was always jealous that my mom didn’t keep her maiden name because it’s a badass sounding Italian name and when I tell people I’m Italian they say ‘WhitebreadLastName doesn’t sound Italian....’ A little piece of me dies.

    I know this might rub people the wrong way...but I do think there is a slight difference between being an active participant in an orgy like ‘party’ environment (even as a minor unable to legally consent) and being drugged and anally raped in semi public setting (not only not consenting but begging to stop).

    I wonder what the cross over numbers for #notallmen and #notallberniesupporters are...seems like there might be some connection there.

    Did the other side doxx prominent Sanders supporters (or just regular people doing their jobs) and threaten physical harm? Were the children and grandchildren of Sanders supporters threatened? If ‘both sides’ acted similarly, please let us know. ‘Errors’ like this (threats of physical harm and misogynistic rhetoric)

    You’re so right! We’ve never ever changed the way we view events or how we participate because of their horrible origin stories. That why social and human interactions are exactly the same as they’ve been for thousands of years...because the reasons behind traditions don’t have any impact on how we view them.

    I blame shit on batman all the time. Especially affleck batman.

    It’s better to sense their fear...Being attacked by a naked person is far scarier than a clothed or pj attack. You have to assume the naked fighter has nothing left to lose or some insane ability, thus making them confident enough to fight nude.

    This is us exactly. I’m pocket sized and he’s a giant, but my anger and cruelty far outweigh his. He’d probably end up making a burglar a snack, I’d try to bash a burglar’s skull in. It’s why we ‘work’.

    The bride cuts the cake (first) to symbolize fertility and willingness (or ability) to nourish and feed her husband...or at least that's what the creepy tapestry at one of the cake tasting places I visited said. I tend to believe most woven claims.

    I’ll never shame cake because I love it and think it’s just swell...but one of the places we cake tested at had this saccharine little story on their wall about how the cake symbolizes fertility and fortune, and the bride typically made the first cut to show a willingness to provide nourishment or some shit?

    I have a feminist marriage and had as close to a ‘feminist’ wedding as possible but I can see how someone would see 99.9% of the traditions and standard operations of a man/woman wedding to seem pretty sexist. All the traditions and notable parts of a wedding are rooted in patriarchy or sexism (FOB giveaway,

    I always felt bad for my parents because my older sister was the best kid at school, sweet, smart, well mannered, but a fucking violent nightmare at home. I was amazing at home, helpful, loving, quiet, but terrible at school. I was sassy, refused to do any assignments, and apparently kind of a bully (which I didn’t

    I don't live super close to LA but there are wild animals (deer, coyotes, mountain lions, etc) all over California. It's crazy how often I see them, and I'm a strictly indoors kind of girl.

    She looks so embarrassed that her dad is trying to ‘rap’ with her. In PUBLIC of all places.

    I like more alone time too. I used to try to encourage him to go on ‘boys nights’ or whatever the shit people who don’t hang out with their friends regularly call it, but he’d always invite me along or say ‘nah, let’s hang out and watch a movie’. I can't even count the amount of times we'd go somewhere and I'd end up

    That speech broke my damn heart, imagining little Tyrion unloved and mocked, just wanting to be brave and ride a dragon like the heroes in his books.

    That was my theory, I mean the running theme seems to be that the Starks are honorable. I can totally see the family and Robert assuming she MUST have been stolen away because she was betrothed and Starks don't fuck around with oaths.

    It kind of reminds me of the ‘smile YOUR mom chose life!’ Bumper stickers or the ‘well how would you feel if you’d never been born?...’ which is always said with a weirdly proud and undeserved smug tone. I never know how to answer because if I’d never been born I wouldn’t feel anything, because I don’t exist. How is

    Eh, I can look a kid in the face and tell them they shouldn't be here.