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    He learned to turn off his stream next time.

    I lost my mom three years ago and it still feels like a sock in the chest. Once a day I think of something and want to talk to my mom, and it knocks the wind out of me to remember again, like it just happened, that’s she’s never coming back.

    I was a five year old flower girl and in every photo I look either murderously mad or suicidally depressed (at my older cousin’s wedding). Every picture of me in a tiny pink satin abomination with a flower crown perched less precious and more rakishly on the back of my head looks absolutely terrifying.

    Women will like what I tell them to like...

    My mom was terminally ill during my wedding and passed away shortly after. Since she wouldn’t be around to see my older sister married (or have her own father daughter dance) I thought she might get a kick out of sharing my father-daughter dance with my sister. You know, getting both out of the way (just in case).

    No, I didn’t get that impression from your post. I was mostly thinking about my friend who really does hate her boobs but because they’re BIG they’re considered an asset. I am a small to medium sized busted woman, and have never understood why painfully big was such an enviable trait. Any inadequacy I felt about my

    I am not besmirching big breasts but most of my friends with larger than average breasts (F and up) did not feel like their breasts were sexy or beautiful. One friend had terribly uneven sized breasts that hurt her constantly, and her shitty boyfriend (and now husband) said he didn’t know if he could be with a ‘small

    The first thing I thought was that the mother has probably used her daughters voluptuousness (or intended to) for personal gain and thinks this is a foolish business move.

    I do NOT wish ill on your mother, at all, but statements like this kill me because I had an amazing mother for way too short an amount of time. I get so angry when I read things like this, angry that my mom is gone, and angry that more moms aren’t like she was. I adored my mom because she was a fucking angel, and I

    I babysit a little girl who has head butted both me and her mother. Nut kicked her dad during a bee related freak out/tantrum, and once pinched her friend during an argument...because she’s a tiny child learning about empathy and boundaries and doesn’t know how to express any of it.

    I’ve never understood why people think ‘making a name for herself/himself’ is such a burn. Isn’t every professional ‘trying to make a name’ for themselves in their chosen field? Isn’t that part of becoming well known and considered for jobs?

    I apparently had trouble saying the word vagina when I was small and instead called it a *vagooni* which turned into ‘goonie’ which made me think classic children’s film ‘The Goonies’ was something entirely different.

    I hate the way bare vaginas look. It creeps me out to think a woman's vagina looks like a toddler's.

    I was a teen about a decade ago, and while most of my experience was that teenage boys were super into my boobs or vagina (no matter how nervous or insecure I may have been), they probabky didn’t appreciate non photoshop versions after the fact.

    I had an infuriatingly difficult time finding any wedding dresses with sleeves that were not plus sized or MOB dresses. Almost every design was strapless (or spaghetti strapped), especially in my size (which is very petite). I read that it was a price issue but who knows? All I do know is strapless is not for everyone

    Mostly by other men, so it's cool that they're still excelling at violence.

    I thought it was clear too. It kind of scares me that this is shocking new information for so many.

    Whenever people say ‘marriage is hard’ I feel like they're married to the wrong person.

    That’s probably true. Statistically way more people know more rape victims than murder victims. Doesn't that kind of answer your question? At least part of it?

    When I was in high school a group of girls cornered me at a concert because I had (unknowingly) flirted with a boyfriend. They told me they were going to ‘kick my slut ass’. I told them I didn’t want to fight, I wasn’t good at fighting, but if they wanted to fight anyways I’d break the Heineken bottle I was holding in