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    My ring is from Kay (because my husband is susceptible to commercial jingles), and Kay mapped my diamond every time I came in for the six month check. I'm kind of surprised by this article...though I guess every location would be different.

    I keep making this point. Why aren't we more up in arms about all the dudes butthurt that *they* can't just sneak into a ladies restroom? The amount of thought they've put into how someone could most efficiently perv out is alarming.

    I live in a very conservative part of California in a very small town (yes it exists and yes it is weird) and have always been pleasantly surprised by how progressive the management and hiring practices at our local target stores have been.

    I read that she was fired from wrestling via a FAX sent to a restaurant she was having lunch at...what the fuck.

    I have heard scarring/keloids are worse on certain skin types and tones. I’m sorry yours have been so problematic. I know mine were kind of a surprise because the cosmetic surgeon I saw said most über pale Europeans don’t keloid as much as other groups, so some of the additional care they might have taken wasn’t

    I keloid too. Badly. I can however say (my) keloid scarring is so much different from injury than surgical. My earlobe that had an earring ripped out was horrendous, but my post knee surgery scar is almost non existent.

    I spent an unreasonable amount of time on that link.

    One of the sweetest, most gentle cats I ever knew (and I am a prolific cat lady) went fucking nuts on myself and a vet assistant while coming out of anesthesia. I have seen this cat run away from a hummingbird and a kitten. Not a fighter, but while dopey she was fierce.

    It was confusing, but then I taped my breasts down and it all became clear.

    Well if they’re that easily distracted why put them in any position of power?

    I read Outlander when I was pretty young so my overall take on it didn’t have the nuances that it would have if I read it today...I just remembered thinking ‘why would you treat the person you have sex with like a small child? How do you ever have sex with someone that you feel needs to be parented?’.

    Oh grandpa Simpson, you're so grumpy.

    I used to secretly believe they based Saved! on my high school. Sadly, I now know my experiences weren't as unique as I imagined. That kind of crazy is way more prevalent than I thought.

    Is Banks bisexual like my racist aunt has a ‘black best friend’?

    Envious of what though?

    Gorgeous a weird word to think of self proclaiming, especially publicly...

    I recently posted a ‘thank you’ to a Good Samaritan who ‘saved’ me from an irate stranger. I was shaken and didn’t get his name but still wanted to post that what he did was very brave and special (which is sad in its own way).

    There is a photo of my best friend in a bonnet when she was about 2 years old. It is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen (for some weird reason). Because we were born in the mid 80's, her bonnet really stands out with the rest of our scrunchï and neon barrettes.

    I had a Gap jacket that had a semi-hidden shoplift sensor tag in it, it was so stuck to the washing instructions that I would have had to cut the care tag off to remove it. I decided to leave it there because I assumed it had been deactivated when I purchased it and never really thought about it again...until I