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    I worked (in an admin capacity) with several Drs and nurses and I’ve never met a group of people who disliked other humans so much.

    My husband is also the grilled cheese master. I can cook anything else (no matter how complicated or tedious) but his grilled cheese is just better. I don't know why.

    I never really wanted kids because it seemed kind of awful, but my best friend had a kid and now it seems kind of hilarious. Her daughter is funny and cute and a little sweetheart and it kind of makes me want one too...but what if my kid isn’t as cool?

    I’m not an expert on drugs. At all.

    I posted pretty much the same thing, I’ve only heard of being put under, not gas or local.

    They put me out when I had mine removed a few years ago. Everyone I know was put out, but most of us went to the same oral surgeon so that might be why. I don’t remember it even being an issue, I know there was a brief explanation and waiver. I don’t remember there being a discussion of another option.

    Plus I've never seen a douchebag white guy with dreds talking about peace while taping his Howard Stern poster to the wall.

    My best friend is very concerned about ‘toxins’ in food/cleaning/and body products but not always too solid on the science of what counts as a ‘bad chemical’.

    I've had random gray hairs since I was about 15 or 16, but not in a cool streak or anything, just randomly sprouting about.

    I straight up forgot about Don Johnson (who was alsoskeezy as fuck)...I was mostly thinking about her weird relationship with Antonio Banderas.

    I don’t know if Hollywood/Studio ageism pushed Melanie into destroying her face or if her husband’s general dickishness did, but she’s become fairly unwatchable. I do not mean this in a cruel or mocking way but her face looks like it hurts when she talks or emotes. She had some very questionable procedures done and

    Some day I’ll tell you about the time my husband’s former boss kept asking if I was ‘happily married, like a ‘real marriage’ sort of thing’ and ‘if I wanted to do blow with him?’.

    I got really ‘cute’ after getting married (losing 40lbs while caring for a dying mother is apparently great for your looks) and you should hear the shit people say to my husband when we go out. You’d think it was the 50’s with the way people tease or ‘compliment’ him about me.

    My grandparents came to America a few years pre WWII and always talked about how hard it was to assimilate even as light skin Italians. They wanted to, to fit in and have more opportunities. To look at me or my mom (my sister and most of my cousins) we look as white bread as possible (barring some vaguely ‘white

    Did your husband also want some sort of engagement ring? No joke, but my husband was secretly jealous that he didn't have a ring to show his friends...he felt so awkward during the announcement and subsequent stupid parties when people would ohhhh and awwwwe over my ring and he had nothing. He just wanted to be fancy

    My dad and grandfather (on my mother’s side) never wore rings because of their jobs. Grandpa was a boxer/mechanic and often broke fingers and my dad was a cop (lost his first ring pulling out a floater in a lake). So I never put much weight behind rings.


    My dad would step on toys left on the ground (breaking them usually, sometimes injuring himself to prove his point) and occasionally ended up fixing or purchasing a replacement when the crying bothered him too much.

    But if pressed I’d think they’d be able to answer what mom and dad’s names are, wouldn’t they? I knew my street address and phone number by that age (maybe not zip code or area code, but definitely basic information).

    Doesn't the world have enough teenagers taking forlorn looking pictures of lawn furniture?