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    My formerly normal, funny, smart, and well adjusted friend has recently began sharing articles and memes against standard childhood vaccinations (even though she’s a NURSE and knows for a fact how serious some of these preventable illnesses are) and pro-NRA and Trump-esque political stats...you know the stuff the

    When I was very very young I would often crawl into bed with my mom while my dad worked nights. At some point I began to see a man in an old fashioned mechanics jumpsuit standing in the corner with dark smudges (of grease?) on his face. Sometimes he was solid and sometimes he was foggy. He never did anything and

    I shave my legs everyday, even when no one sees or feels them (though I’m married so usually someone ALWAYS sees or feels them), but I always have. I just prefer the smoothness from shaving and exfoliating. I get side eye from friends when I say this though, so I might just be weird?

    I’m sure it’s not popular or common opinion/occurrence but I can and have run in high heels many times. I don’t think there are many things I can’t do in heels at this point. Mostly because I love heels, partially because I’m short, and largely because I refuse to run or walk barefoot. I’d rather tip over or get

    I used to get really hurt or frustrated because my husband came from a very fundamentalist Christian upbringing (heavens forbid he married a feminist atheist?!) and had lived an extremely sheltered and patriarchal life until me.

    My husband used to ask why I didn’t just give guys dirty looks or tell them to fuck off too, until one day he came to meet me at the train and saw how aggressive and utterly scary some of these guys were. He apologized profusely and just kept muttering ‘I had no idea’. Now he’s hyper aware of when women and or men are

    I can’t tell if you’re joking/trolling/serious?

    I noticed after posting:(

    I thought Kate Hudson. Mostly based on the cut out, her new Disney boyfriend, golden girl reference, and the fact that she loves coke.

    My neck hurts just watching this. Imagine what her back looked like after the continuous reverse belly flop impact. IMAGINE IT, dammit!

    Is she aiming for full blown super villain or just a caricature of a Christmas movie antagonist?

    My husband has/had a very specific idea of what he likes to wear or what he thinks is snazzy...most of the time he’s pretty good about his selections but every once in a while he chooses a questionable piece of ‘flair’ or the dreaded sweater vest of ‘09.

    My husband and I picked out his tuxedo together (mostly just taking the advice of the tailor because what the fuck do we know? You know?) and then he went with his groomsman using his suit for a guide. My husband wanted to wear ivory/champagne tie/vest like me (because he wanted to look ‘special’ too) and black tie

    My husband wasn’t that unreasonable or cavalier (I’m not sure what the right word would be) about the restrictions and or limitations of certain places...he just had bad wedding taste. He went to the very expensive and ‘super fucking elegant’ wedding of a good friend a few years prior and basically wanted to copy

    Chips and queso or chips and onion dip. Salsa is a very common but specific item...I’ve never heard it referred to as dip. Dip conjures cheese, onion, spinach, ranch, or artichoke dip. I’m from California though so *maybe* we are just particular about salsa?

    That’s clearly not the situation in this author’s article though. She had a caregiver on site and chose not to use the assistance. I can’t deny that the world is harder for women, mothers, low income people, and low income women of color with children (especially), nor would I try to deny that. The comments to this

    That's an Archer reference!

    I’m 5’1 and climb on damn near every surface of my kitchen, plus I have a little step stool a drag with me everywhere. We inherited our house from my tiny Italian grandparents so most of our counters/sinks/showers/shelves are pretty low in comparison...even so many things are still too tall. Basically that just means

    I used to beg my babysitter to put my hair in a ponytail ‘like a big girl!’ but I never had enough hair...she would just gather the sides and clip it to the top of my head the a barrette wearing Pepples Flinstone.

    Holy shit...is that true? Is that like a verifiable fact? Because that's just so awful. I never thought about that.