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    Nah, awful people and terrible things can ALWAYS be a little worse. It’s kind of hard to peak on evil.

    If I am struggling or having a crisis, PLEASE send a check. I can use a check to pay bills or hire someone to help me...a cannot trade your ‘genuine’ visit for goods and services. I hereby allow all the world’s ‘fake’ friends to cal me and take care of me financially.

    I knew a Kherridyne Khylee and a Gamantha (pronounced JAmanthA).

    I’ve had this experience a few times...it seems less likely when I read books on my phone. For some reason staring at my phone screen earns more respect than sitting quietly with a book.

    Similar situation here (I’m 5’1 he’s 6’4) the funniest/worst was when we were first dating and he got so frustrated he just picked me up under my arms like a kid. I think he thought it might seem passionate and I'll admit the one thing I usually like about being little is how easy it is to swing me/throw me around but

    I don’t mind a mama’s boy as long as his mom has boundaries. Does that make sense? I dated a guy who loved his mom so much but because she was cool with herself and didn’t make her kids her whole life it was this decent balance of positive female interaction and parental reverence. Like he would do anything for his

    I LOVE that episode. I hate the idea that all homophobic men are secretly gay but Kody is practically the definition of ‘he doth protest too much’.

    Isn't hiding alcohol at work (especially vodka) kind of-sort of a big problem? How is this mentioned so casually?

    I’ve been the loaner and the borrower a few times. I never got paid back (I was dumb and 19 and bailed my former best friend and her asshole boyfriend out several times until I caught on), I ALWAYSmade a point to pay back. I especially hurried if they said ‘don’t worry about it’ because I never wanted them to forget

    I accidentally had a brief affair with a married man when I was (a fairly sheltered) 18. I say accidentally because it never crossed my mind that someone married would blatantly try to start a relationship or that people in their early 20’s even got married, so I never thought to ask. The minute I found out, I was

    I came home after a DARE rally telling my parents about how drug dealers prey on kids and assured them I would be vigilant against drugs. My former narcotics office father patted my arm and explained ‘most people won’t give drugs away for free...’

    I tried to spritz my hand with a spray hand sanitizer while sitting in a movie theater, it was dark and I missed my hands...I did not miss my eyes though. I hit that shit like I was aiming a dart. I basically maced myself in the eye with rubbing alcohol during the first scene of the Deathly Hallows.

    I’ve never peed in a sink! BUT I’m short so it’s probably not an etiquette issue so much as a reach issue...

    I’m a dumb sucker so I normally have ‘uniform blinders’. I know cops get guns and sometimes soldiers have swords? I kind of just assume certain uniforms come with certain weapons/utility belts. I don't know if I would even notice someone in military garb had a gun or if it would all kind of blend into what I've seen

    That's the problem with suicide threats, sometimes they succeed.

    I think ‘I’m just being honest’ is the calling card of an asshole. There are nice ways to be honest and then there are tactless and cruel ways of being honest.

    Don't sleep with friends and friends if you don't want people to talk. I've told men this time and time again and if I have a woman friend who honestly doesn't already realize this is a bad idea I'll tell her too. Friends talk about shit their lovers don't want shared.

    AGREE! My best friend is not a bad mother at all. She loves her child, cares more than adequately, and does whatever she can to instill self confidence in her child. She kind of hates it, but she does it.

    I think it is perfectly reasonable to say ‘probably’ in that particular instance without it being considered ‘slut shaming’. You’re answering a hypothetical question with an equally hypothetical answer. America is puritanical, if you have openly appreciated sex or appear to date ‘more than most’ many people might

    Eh... I think a virgin would know that they sucked, they just wouldn’t quite know why. Maybe they’d even think that’s what all sex was? I mean, what is the point of ‘straying if it's just more of what you have at home?