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    That's fucked up. My parents never wanted to know that sort of thing...I actually suspect they think I lost my virginity waaaay sooner than I did because they were wild when they were young.

    Post something fucking terrible. Something so awful they can't help but mention it and when they address it or slip up in conversation call them on it. If they never do that's fine too, they'll never want to see what is on your private notes again.

    When I was very young I went through my mom’s purse looking for candy or gum and found flexible wrapped packages. I opened it and found something gum like but clearly not gum, perhaps some sort of gross ‘natural’ adult fruit roll up? No, still not right. I showed it to my mom and said ‘what is this? Is this gum? This

    I was a fat kid and am a slim adult. So I’ve also seen both sides of the coin...I don’t know if I can say I’ve experienced a ‘normal’ weight as my body seems to veer toward either extreme ie very heavy or very slim. In my experience all weights/sizes get comments.

    I could *kind of* MAYBE *almost* see myself being this kind of dipshit because I thought it would be a hilarious picture and am a stupid kind of person who didn’t think about the fact that a hotel safe would be airtight. It wasn’t me because I don’t have kids but I probably could have been a few years ago.

    That is not to say I think the victims would have been treated appropriately, I still think they would have gotten in trouble or been further traumatized, I just don’t think it would have been swept under the rug so quickly. The Duggars would never have abided a GAY Pedophile in their family.

    In most cases and religions I’d agree with you but based on the ATI and Gottard approved approach to molestation the Duggars follow I’m going to have to stick with my theory that GAY stuff would have been fucking handled.

    I think it would have been taken much more seriously if one of their sons molested boys-because that's gay stuff which makes it 100% more sinful. Because of all the gay.

    That would be the fast track to getting pepper sprayed in my house.

    Thank you. I’m never sure how what I write translates to the reader. In my head it always makes better sense than I’m (usually) able to express.

    One time (only once)* in my life has a cashier ever commented on my purchase of something ‘embarrassing’ and that was most likely because I was crying hysterically and in my pjs...I had a nightmare that I was pregnant when I was in college and ran to a 24hour drugstore to buy a test. That’s it. Normally they don’t

    Me too. I took my goddaughter trick or treating last year (in costume because I’m the ‘fun’ auntie) and was given candy several times. I started hanging back when she went to the door and several people asked if her ‘friend was shy and wanted candy?’. I am *almost* 5’1 on a good day and 32 years old. I was happy (at

    Do you really think her height was the primary point and criticism?

    I'm not sure if you're making fun of me...are you? I can't always tell in text.

    I can kind of see that when you have dipshits leeringly commenting ‘I wish I had a teacher like that!!’ when discussing teacher seducing and or abusing students or the past stigma around homosexuality and molestation...BUT I can’t understand why people feel the need to quantify abuse by being greater/lesser than

    My grandfather was a decent man but a blackout drunk. He never hurt anyone or said cruel things, he would just disappear for days/weeks and comeback shaking and with screaming night terrors from WWII. He was a professional boxer and remained huge and muscular even into his 70’s but was still a very gentle man. I think

    The youth pastor at my (very fundamental Christian) junior high school was in a position of great power and respect. Power and respect that he used to cherry pick which kids ‘worked’ with him and were in the inner circle. To compete in any sport or participate in after school clubs you were required to have a

    I think he does every time he thinks of him gun and killing shit.

    I just don’t get it. My dad was a cop for most of my life and the ONLY times I EVER saw him touch his firearm was at target practice or AFTER practice when he cleaned them.

    Sleeping with the enemy...