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    Annnnnd....none of those things are as bad as the worst case scenario of her child dying.

    does the pizza in this photo have fucking pickles on it?!

    I can't remember a time I didn't know what sex was. Obviously my understanding of the specifics changed as time passed, but it was definitely something I knew existed and understood the enteral theme.

    I was in a dysfunctional 5 year relationship. I found out he cheated, broke it off, took him back because his family and friends called and begged me to because he 'might hurt himself' without me.

    I don't have much experience with kids...but I am very directionally 'challenged'. I think my pride makes me assume if I get lost (nearly daily) then a small child is even more likely. Misplaced empathy? Uncertain.

    I went to a strict evangelical school (with an even stricter dress code) for 12 years, and as a rebellious punk rocker I read as much as I could of the bible to figure out where some of these concepts of modesty came from.

    My FIL does this for all of his children (correction, all of the successful children). He brags about degrees and jobs that they never could have gotten without his parenting. How he taught them hard work and how to pull themselves up from their bootstraps...

    that's the joke.

    I admit to feeling a little trepidation watching a first grader walk home from school alone (and briefly wondered if I should call someone or stop and offer assistance) but I can't imagine being alarmed if an older child was in charge or walking along. I think my original concern was the child getting lost.

    I had a limited budget ($800 which is apparently ridiculous for a gown, I had no clue) and considered just buying an off white or champagne bridesmaid dress.

    not in California...unless I skipped an important step.

    Feeling something and doing something are vastly different issues.

    Seems odd that her horrible bipolar mom and grandma managed not to sexually abuse her.

    My bf's husband was molested by an older female first cousin which resulted in a child. His family is 'totes cool' with it and doesn't act like anything is wrong. Never pressed charges or stopped inviting this woman to holidays.

    I can 'get' brothers and sisters not raised with each other. Gross as it is I can understand it (especially with teen hormones and the belief that love can overcome ANYA problem)...not with a parent.

    I did the same thing. I feel no shame though...I used to wish I was a nicer person, but I've come to the conclusion that proud assholes (or proud 'bitches') get no sympathy or leeway just because they're younger or I'm supposed to be more mature.

    At first I was against pressing charges over the haircut because I thought some people might consider it a 'jackass' style prank, but the more I thought about it the more scary that woman is. I don't know how someone gets to the point of sneaking in with scissors to cut a sleeping persons hair (or what they think it

    I was kind of thinking the same thing about maybe not minding as much if my hair was short...but then I thought about how crazy and fucking abusive intentionally harming or fucking with someone's appearance/body is.

    and they said my check was in the mail...cheapskates.

    Also, my dad was a cop and constantly brought home stray cats and kittens...he used to claim they followed him and we called him a cat crazy liar. My whole childhood is in question now. Maybe cats DID follow him into his car. I don't even know what's right anymore.