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    That cat has a thirst for justice...he won't rest until he cleans the street of vicious gangs of nip dealers.

    ...my mom taught us to smile in the mirror so we wouldn't look stupid on picture day...are you in California? We might be secret best friends.

    it's horrible. I (sometimes) smile more when I'm uncomfortable. It's awkward as shit, plus it can piss people off.

    I can't help but smiling in pictures. It's ingrained. Even when I'm pissed or annoyed at a family member forcing photos at holidays, I always smile.

    I go to Sally beauty all the time and there are still products that require a cosmetologist # to purchase. It's maddening. I could buy a tattoo gun, a handgun, but not a specific brand of bleach.

    I don't think physical defense and immediate use of force to stop an immediate threat really classifies as vigilante justice.

    How is the nephew an asshole?

    Not to be morbid but I thought maybe cremation was chosen because she was hit by a tractor trailer. I suspect that would do a lot of damage to the remains.

    but do you have to cover their travel expenses?

    I think this was Ohio.

    \ˈspaŋk\transitive verb

    The piece linked references ''pushed, grabbed, shoved, slapped or hit by your parents or any adult living in your house."

    Twelve seems kind of old to spank anyway. Aside from the regular concerns about corporal punishment, isn't a 12 year old a little too self conscious/self aware about their body to be hit on the bottom? Especially in front of a stranger?

    I worked with CPS and parenting intervention programs for years and I have never ever seen a case of parents arrested for a 'quick swat' or 'spank'.

    My sister was not autistic... I'm not sure what was wrong with her as a kid but I remember my parents had to physically restrain her (even sit on her) several times during our childhood to protect me from a beating or her from self harm. She was never allowed to destroy something not her own or disrupt a public


    Holy shit, your sister sounds like she was crazy manipulative for a kid. We lived in terror of CPS because we had a messy house and I heard once that children were removed from dirty houses. I didn't realize that dishes in the sink or shoes in the hallway was different than filth and hoarding...I guess I was an

    My dad did the same thing only varied it with spaghetti westerns (if he felt frisky).

    Was it blow jobs? I have a weak jaw, but I sure would like a man to buy me $100's of dollars worth of hand paint.