Is it intentional that the bar and the bartender are a shot-for-shot recreation of Lloyd from the Shining?
Is it intentional that the bar and the bartender are a shot-for-shot recreation of Lloyd from the Shining?
Rich folks have to be careful. When the poor wise up, historically they aren’t the most level-headed in correcting the imbalances. Considering we are beyond the gilded age here and are into 18th century aristocracy levels of wealth, I’d be investing in metal neck-guards.
Ain’t nothing wrong with that. Ain’t nothing wrong at all. Good dad.
I accept that accidents have consequences, but the punishment should fit the crime. This seems pretty over-the-top to me. And if the suit is correct, it was handled in the shittiest, pass-the-buck way imaginable.
Compared to how often football players commit crimes and just wind up red-shirted, wtf?
My original beef isn’t about Hillary, it’s how you want to assign some blame for her loss to Bernie. He did everything expected of him and more. Her loss is squarely on her shoulders and that of the DNC. If we don’t acknowledge that we will be doomed to repeat this. She was Kerry 2004 all over again. And just like…
“The rust belt doesn’t give a shit about student loan refinancing.”
But Obama is not a liberal. Clinton is not a liberal. They are both staunchly in the corporatist camp. I happen to think Obama was a fine president, but liberals do not appoint the people he appointed. No liberal would ever put a Monsanto lobbyist in the FDA. No liberal would be so staunchly pro-free trade. Fair…
You act like that was somehow Bernie’s fault and not Clinton’s shady pay-for-play activities or her campaign’s utter failure to call out Trump for the exact same thing. You can’t punish Bernie for being the candidate he was without recognizing what an awful, flawed candidate Hillary was. She literally made every bad…
He stayed in the primary to pull her to the left. If anything that helped her in the rust belt, not hurt her.
As for lukewarm support, look it up, Hillary didn’t want his help until much later. She kept him off the campaign trail.
“Sanders’ utter failure to unite his supporters behind the party’s nominee?”
Trump immediately tapped the security guard to be the head of the White House Council on Women and Girls.
Oh, are you just now realizing that the heads of large corporations and major shareholders own politicians, appointees to every regulatory commission and the major nnetworks, cable networks, press and radio?
I really, really hope you are right. The country by-and-large not only stood by when the Patriot act ushered in the largest mass invasion of citizen’s civil rights since Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus, they cheered it on.
No, no, not calling you racist. It’s hard to follow all the comments, but I didn’t mean that. Sorry if it was implied. Not my intention at all.
I was saying you have every right to believe in what you want, but now with Trump in there, I’m wondering how long you’ll have those rights.
You certainly are, and let’s see how long you are allowed to believe that now that we have the reprisal candidate in office.
I’ve said this elsewhere but using liberal elitism as the excuse for self-immolation is pretty fucking stupid. Yeah, the rust belt voters really stuck it to the latte sipping east coast elite, except wait, that elite is going to get a tax cut in all likelihood.
But they won’t though. They think they are temporarily embarrassed millionaires, when in fact they are just stupid and easily manipulated. You can’t fix stupid.
This! Hillary was literally the one candidate a large swath of rurals would never, ever vote for. This was known before she won the nomination. The out of touch folks running the DNC and her campaign just assumed she was less distasteful to them than Donald. They were wrong.
By and large the BernieBros showed up for…
Yeah, except they’ve won jack and shit and want more than Ronaldo (274,000 per game). You damn right you tell them to fuck off with that shit.
Who is making 300k a game?