Pennsylvania Polka

So sorry for your loss.

I think almost all of us who’ve been in your position have felt the same. Don’t force yourself - you’ll get there. You did right by Roxy - that’s the important thing...

I am so sorry for your loss. It is the hardest decision to have to make. Lots of love and hugs to you.

Thank you! I think it’s gonna take a while for me to get to that place, but I’m sure it’ll happen.

I am so sorry. I told someone upthread about how we recently had to do the same with our 12-year-old mastiff. It was so similar: there was no one moment where I felt like he was really telling us it was time to go, which made it so much harder. Loved him so much and miss him so much. I truly believe that we will meet

Omg I’m sobbing I’m so sorry. My dog has gotten me through so much. I can’t even think of that horrible day. I hope you find peace soon

I’m so sorry for your loss. *offers many hugs* When my family’s dog passed away, what helped me most was reminding myself that the time we spent together would always be a part of me, and so I would never be truly without her. I hope you’ll be able to get through this alright.

I am sending you internet hugs - my heart breaks for you. What a brave and selfless decision you made, out of love.

Thank you!

Sixteen years is a great run, but it doesn’t make it any easier to say goodbye. I’m so sorry :( And I’m sure you did the right thing for Roxy. She was as lucky to have you as it sounds like you were to have her.

Seriously, internet stranger sympathies are, in a way, even more helpful. You guys can’t see my bloated face and see my ugly cry, lol. It’s helpful to express yourself anonymously sometimes. Thank you.

Let me chip in and convey my sympathies. I know they’re internet sympathies, so they probably count as much as “hope and prayers” sent to disaster sites, but... we’ve all been there. We all know the pain you’re going through, and we all respect the strength it took to make that difficult decision.

Thank you! Ugh, sorry you lost 2 so close together. Brutal.

I’m sending lots of love and light to you for the loss of Roxy.

She was!

RIP Roxy. She was a good dog.

Thank you! I can’t yet get to the place where my emotions—feeling like I somehow did something wrong—catch up to my brain, which knows that logically it wouldn’t be fair to continue on the way she was

Aw, this was the sweetest comment. Put my name on a hug to Ozzy.

(((big strong internet hug for you, sheesh))) Letting go of our companions is gut wrenching, devastating, yet humane and right at the same time. It sounds like your Roxy had a great long life at your side. Be at peace, rest your soul...when it’s time your heart will open for another.

oh my, this comment made me cry. holding my little 2 year old pug ozzy close right now. he is the reason i got up every day when i was in the middle of my deepest bowels of depression, and is the reason i got out of an abusive relationship (his life was threatened). I’ve only had him for two years and i don’t know