Pennsylvania Polka

What’s more important, making Roger unhappy or making Trump unhappy? I’m choosing the latter - GO FALCONS

No Fun League

LOL, love the rednecks against Trump sign! I live in Texas and fish and hunt and ride horses and dirt bikes and all other redneck manner of things. My master’s thesis is on Texas country music, FFS, and I am 100% against Cheetolini, along with many redneck friends. Unfortunately, not enough of us....yet!

My favorite from St. Paul, MN:

My favorite from Philly which had NO media coverage.

OMG you missed the cutest woke man there.


No fuck this lady. Her child being disabled does not get her a pass on trying to fuck with other women’s rights.

“I knew that with Hillary, there would definitely be no hope for the unborn,” she explained. “But with him, I was very hopeful.” I’m so sick of these idiots.

They were there to reclaim feminism for the anti-abortion movement, to use the language of feminism, but to recenter on “pre-born” women and the abortion industry. “We’re marching for the pre-born,” Lori told Jezebel. Both of them were unhappy about the unapologetically pro-choice stance of the Women’s March.

REAL men don’t care what other people think.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

Some girl I knew in college starting doing “performance art” after graduation. Her youtube videos consisted of her being naked and screaming while dumping paint over herself.

Betsy DeVos should put this bear in charge of school art programs. Then shoot it.

Fuck this guy.

What was it Robert Frost said? “Good fences make good neighbors unless your neighbor is black in which case fuck that guy,” I think it was.

Funny I don’t recall people expecting an apology from John McEnroe for acting like an asshole for all those years.......