Pierogi Power

I would like to humbly suggest that “pushing one’s kids to excel” and “deciding before they are born that they must fulfill your own thwarted ambitions and micromanaging their lives toward that goal from birth onward” are not the same thing but are in fact quite different things.

How many other NCAA football coaches are like this? Hell, how many NFL coaches for that matter? There’s no way Tim Beckman is the only piece of shit pulling stuff like this.

I’m trying to picture rush hour in Canada and all I can see are drivers apologizing profusely and insisting that others go first.

It’s not that he has no help, it’s just that the Warriors make it look that way. They have 4 players who you could argue are better than the Cavs second best player. When a team is that good, any other team will look like trash by comparison.

I’ll admit to scoffing when Nashville got a franchise. I admit to rolling my eyes at Bettman’s idiotic southern strategy and his ignoring Canadian markets. And the anger I felt with the stories of the Nashville papers having to print pictorials about hockey rules! I thought they were doomed.

Methinks the Ley-dy doth protest too much.

YEAH... Jeets?

Sharkfucker has to be clubhouse leader for 2017 DHoF, right?

Agreed. She couldn’t afford something newer/better than a 2003 Lexus SC430?


It’s good that Judge Taylor (who was apparently addressing Coach Strong as if he were actually present in the courtroom and has players not recruited by him under 24-hour surveillance and wearing magnetic boots on a metal floor to lock them into place) lives in a place where having a USF diploma has caused her no

I agree that college (and the NFL for that matter, shit) football has a lengthy history with unethical and disgusting behavior, but this seems an awfully lot like a principal scolding a substitute teacher for the behavior of a few kids in class.

First, the headline makes it seem as though the Oilers converted ALL their women’s bathrooms to men’s, so my outrage meter had dipped significantly by the time I finished the article.

All three of these guys could have been the villain in an 80's skiing movie. 

So they let the GM run the draft which will presumably dictate the shape of the franchise over the next few years, and promptly fire him immediately afterwards so that some other guy can take over the GM duties with both players and a coach he hasn’t picked?

If you looked up “stupid take” on Google, and then clicked Images, a screenshot of your comment here would be there.

That'll teach me to have unfounded preconceptions.

34893) Hit by a Bus