Blood Drive is a new TV show on Syfy which is essentially based on the premise of a world where cars are fueled by…
Blood Drive is a new TV show on Syfy which is essentially based on the premise of a world where cars are fueled by…
Political structures and institutions—the bedrock of the systems that underpin our world and society—aren’t a given.…
McCain is so irritating, because he’ll throw rhetorical bones to centrists and the Left on the weekend talk shows, and then go right back and vote solidly right-wing Republican.
He’s caught between the Rock of hating Trump, and maybe even wanting to do the right thing, and the Hard Place of being a spineless party stooge.
His entire line of questioning was literally another version of, “But her emails!”
McCain’s been pretty fucking far from okay since Vietnam; and the train went completely off the rails when Bush & Turdblossom push-polled him into having out-of-wedlock biracial children. Somehow he embraced the worst parts of the people who did that to him.
Yeah, we’re the awful ones with all our insistence on human rights and equality! God, we are MONSTERS.
Considering what they get paid to do nothing or actively hurt the Republic and its people, it might as well be free.
SJW? NOT an insult. And fuck anyone who says it is. What better to strive for that equality and justice for everyone. I wish we could inflict a bit of justice on the old, white douchebags.
I thought Cuckservatives was created by alt-righters to describe conservatives they feel aren’t far enough to the right? There whole obsession with cuckold is such a naked look into immature and misogynistic psyche. Like the worse thing to them (and they thing they most fantasize about) is someone else having control…
Since SJW has come to mean “literally everyone who’s not a Nazi,” that’s a mark of merit.
“Conservatives” couldn’t get the job done so they brought in a big, strong man to come into the room and do it for them.
They were the cucks the whole time.
The irony is: They love using the word cuck but they seem to be the biggest cucks of them all. Basically they watch as they allow someone else (billionaires, The President, corporations) fuck their country, their state, their constituents. It’s unreal.
I love you using their own words against them (i.e. cucks). lol
Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.
This article (or at least the headline) is really, really bad advice for anybody who lives in a city or suburb. Local governments have written laws explicitly addressing this. If you fail to mow your lawn and keep it at a reasonable length, the local municipal government will show up at your house and mow your lawn…
He could have avoided charges had he thought to bring some fries to throw on top.
I was at Wholey’s in the Strip yesterday. Saw more than a few Nashville fans milling about
Aircraft carriers are massive floating cities, housing over 5,000 people. They have their own nuclear power plants,…