
My co-workers clean up drug labs as part of their duties, so they’ve been getting training. Pure fentanyl has fatal dose the size of 2 grains of salt, and it can be inhaled as dust or absorbed through the skin. If they were grinding pills - maybe a lot of them, or high dosage/concentrated form? The cops may have been

I’m around fentanyl and fentanyl users quite often. I’ve even used narcan on ODing folks. I did not get high, I did not OD. This is confusing as fuck to me.

I don’t really have much else to say, other than, if this bothers you, maybe just try not being abusive?

I’m mad that it’s the PTSD that convinced them she was afraid for her life and not the beating, choking, pouring hot sauce in her eyes, and cutting her with a goddamn KNIFE. Do we have to be dead to get to be afraid for our lives?????!!!! (Obviously rhetorical question)

Well, it’s ABOUT TIME. They had how many years to investigate....?

It’s maddening when a woman’s life is to who she married or who her offspring is. My obituary will read “no one’s wife and mother of none is dead; therefore, no one cares.”

Its almost as if we were living under patriarchy.

So what’s the over-under on this? Either the courts revisit that lawsuit and Scientology starts facing a bunch more similar ones, which they will litigate aggressively, vindictively, and ceaselessly until they win; or, the courts accept the argument, and an abusive cult that kept women as sex slaves is allowed to

I’m not sure if I’m particularly “woke”, but I try to do my best. When I pointed out that an “all woman comedy show” wouldn’t bother me, I certainly didn’t feel any MORE woke. It was a statement of fact, for me.. But I wasn’t patting myself on the back, nor was the tone of my paragraph at all self-congratulatory. One

In this case, the guy wasn’t trying to be part of a showcase. He was trying to get a ticket to be in the audience...for a show he otherwise wouldn’t have been interested in if it wasnt advertised as “no boys allowed”. I’m a guy and I have no problem with such a show. Most guys wouldn’t even give it a thought. I bet

I tell him to stop moving his face so much(ie. talking)

Short answer, elope.

It has been my experience that in one’s endeavors to become a potential sexual partner often times sexual things are discussed. Sometimes one miscalculates in attempting this.

Asking your colleague if you can masturbate in front of her isn’t “expressing sexual interest”, it is abuse. Fuck off with your verbose bullshit, you know exactly what’s going on here.

But surely whether or not a person is receptive to sexual advances is not the metric as to whether or not they are appropriate.

Met my husband when he was a resident and I was a medical student. He was my supervisor, but very briefly (for a week or so).

1. He decided it was a good idea to masturbate at work. Incredibly inappropriate and it creates a terrible envrionment for, you know, the people who don’t wish to see/hear him masturbate while they try to go about their jobs.

He asked a person who answered to him at work to watch him masturbate. There are about five things wrong with that, right there. If you can’t see them, then maybe you really should go and read a sexual harassment handbook.

I dunno how that is NOT harassment. Have we crossed the sexual rubicon to the point that asking a woman to watch you jerk off is acceptable behavior? Take it out of the colleague realm for a moment, Cabbie asks. Passenger says no thank you. Everybody cool with that? How about a waiter? “My name is Eliot and I’ll be

Good gets easier as you get older and Princess Diana’s dress fades in the memory. I tried on a gown and it made me nervous, so I found a two-piece number that was flattering but didn’t make me look like I was trying to be Cinderella.