This reminds me of an old joke:
This reminds me of an old joke:
Are we trying to intentionally kill or harm women at this point!?!
1. it’s not shit. If the OJ box said 100% real juice, it’s illegal to not sell 100% orange juice. If you advertise free Champagne you have to deliver precisely that. (In the context of our law, of course, I don’t know how things are done where you live...)
2. In english the term is sparkling wine, in french it’s…
Well as a woman idk how many times ive heard males criticise vaginas. Old or loose or smelly.... Its about time women start talking crap about males penises. Its only fair. Too long have women been dehumanized...
I’m sorry, what the fuck?’re just making hypothetical lying bitches up and running with it? Ok.
Bull shit. You are talking out of your ass. The last man who harassed me, the only one I went to HR about, is still employed and only got a talking-to. And unless you live under a rock and have for the past few decades, you’ve heard story after story about women enduring years of sexual harassment and discrimination…
So you walk around with this belief that there are a significant number of women who will lie to HR to get you fired for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
I had a boss who skated out of a sexual harassment charge. You know the kind of shit he used to do?
It’s very simple: Don’t make SEXIST (not “sexist,” as sexism is a real thing) jokes. Don’t comment on a woman’s looks, body, or imagined sex life. Don’t stare at her tits. Don’t touch her. Speak to her in a professional, polite, friendly manner JUST LIKE YOU’RE ABLE TO PULL OFF WHEN SPEAKING TO MEN.
Hey Pro-Lifers, remember this will lead to MORE abortions.
Sure, that’s the only situation in which women could possibly feel physically intimidated by men or in which men sexually assault women. *eyeroll*
People are also acting like women aren’t physically intimidated by men. We are. Men are bigger and stronger, for the most part. To be alone with a man is taking a risk. We often laugh and try to placate them even when we’re uncomfortable. There is story after story of women who allow men to have sex with them in order…
Get fucked you humongous asshole. Are all crimes “self esteem” problems or just the ones that happen to women? European men absolutely do violate consent and you’ve just let us all know you’re one of them.
You missed the whole point of this article.
Nothing in what I said contradicts anything that you said. I agree he’s under no obligation to stay. For fucks sake, I’m a divorce attorney. I help people leave for a living.
Is the idea that someone would get bored with sex with the same person for four years really that egregious though?
No he does not.
“We’re not racist... Here’s two stories attacking black people for no reason.”
It’s the last day of Ramadan. Would eat salted granola covered with butter right now.