I actually disagree with you. The Process (ugh) doesn’t depend on teenagers developing in a predictable way; it depends on [x] amount of teenagers developing into reasonably good NBA players within a certain timeframe. If some relatively significant percentage of high draft picks become legitimate threats in the…
If a good baseball team went 12-14 over a random 26 game stretch—and if during that time one of that team’s role players maybe got into an argument with an assistant coach—would you write a story about all of that?
Couldn’t agree more. This article is really a bunch of hand-wringing.
Agreed. Saying the outcry (there was an ‘outcry’?) about this is due to our retrograde understanding of HIV is a lazy excuse for a column. It’s really about how Sheen lied or misled partners about his status and his general crumminess as a human being.
Are you saying Ray Rice doesn’t deserve to speak publicly about other domestic violence?
This guy gets it
FSU and U of I have deals with those tribes; they get a big percentage of merch revenue and some other stuff I think. While ‘Fighting Sioux’ isn’t racist, per se, it certainly seems lame of the school to use that tribe’s name and likeness to make money off athletics while not kicking anything back to the tribe.
This is great. You take a literally one-in-a-million example of something like this happening and use it to argue for a complete overhaul of our laws governing parental leave. Ugh.
So wouldn’t the more honest headline have been: “Giants Play Patriots Well, Catch Some Unlucky Breaks?”
I believe you fucking off is in order here...
The Collinsworth victim-blaming is great. “Everyone says you shouldn’t keep your head down so I don’t know what he expected...”
I don’t disagree with your argument, but surely you realize that Babbitt is satire, and that this character is being satirized...yes?
Je suis tired of this shit
I agree with everything you said. However, don’t you find it interesting that you felt you had to preface the second paragraph with the first...?
This woman read a book at a Trump rally and now she’s a ‘hero’? Please. Where’s my encomium for not giving any fucks about this old bigoted turd?
That’s true. I, for one, forgot it was a SL joint.
Yeah but I disagree with you to some extent because art by definition reveals truth about the world, and the truth about the world is that in some obvious and important respects black people and white people see things differently, and so black art necessarily reflects this truth. In other words, until race is no…
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