
That’s great and all, but he's no James Shields.

Bold of anyone to assume that Trevor Bauer knows anything, actually. As a Cleveland fan, I am continually amazed that he has managed to convince sports announcers and pundits that he’s a great and smart pitcher when his pitch count is 82 in the fourth inning.

Just another example of somebody on the left jumping all over him ....

This guy thinks we hold the office of the President to the same standards we hold board game players. 

Maybe the first clue was that he needed to take a dump every time his opponent made a move.

To be fair, or as close as I will ever come to it, many of baseball’s issues are well beyond easy fixes.

It’s just like my dad always says...
*three minute voicemail of ambient traffic noise and AM radio*

I’m 45, and a native New Yorker. No NBA or college team from the area has won a championship in my lifetime. Please stop telling me how we’re the center of the basketball universe. It’s embarrassing.

All you need is a big enough needle.

My wife and I know a couple who practice, and tbh I’m salty they never gave us a pitch. I think JWs believe only a finite number of people get to heaven, and I guess my beer’s good enough for you to visit but not so good that you’d try to save my eternal soul, huh Greg?

So youre saying I didn't have to give my car to Chuck E Cheese after spilling a coke on the carpet?

I haven’t played organized sports since high school, but God yes on the on-time thing. Even beyond that, the saying “80% of success is showing up,” is so very true. I can’t tell you how many times I have hired somebody or selected a contractor, landscaper, realtor, or something similar because the other three people

This is a personal failing, but I just can’t stay mad at somebody as handsome as Jason Vargas.

Reporters are so soft now. I remember the days of Herbert McGoo, Joe Dribbler, Dick Frank, Johnny Johnson, Big Jim Pincus, Wally Habbermaster, and their ilk. They’d get a quote out of ty Cobb or honus Wagner if it meant a fight. If you thought you could throw McGoo out of the clubhouse he would patiently oblige and

On the bright side, the 19 outs in 6.1 innings pitched ties the record for most outs recorded in that amount of innings

i feel like you are treating the sacred and valuable process of grading drafts like a joke. What's next on your hit list,  signing day? the NFL combine? the NCAA tournament reveal show?

Imagine how amazing a person would be with a dozen parents.

Could you be more specific?

An Inconvenient Unwritten Rule

Who cares where they’re throwing smoke?