You know after he bought it and left everyone in the store high-fived each other and then they closed up early.
You know after he bought it and left everyone in the store high-fived each other and then they closed up early.
...the style blog D’Marge writes... The middle bar joins it up with adjectives like: “explore”; “taste”; “kiss”; “arouse”; “devour”; and “caress”
I don’t disagree at all with your point that we shouldn’t pay any attention to Ben Shapiro, but thirteen hundred words about him- over forty percent of which are direct quotes of his- seems like a weird way to go about making it.
I don’t believe in throwing hard objects at people at 90 mph, but you have to admit that most 19 y/o males have done something that would make you want to.
As someone who lives in Boston - lighten the fuck up dude.
Alex Cora: BrockBot9000, run program “Average Right Field Defense”
Nah, I think the Doc sowed.
Those areas are known as “Kentucky” ...which is conveniently not a region on this list.
Is it really necessary to torch what Fallows said? His tweet seems to be a reasonable interpretation of the sentence.
I genuinely appreciate the thoughtful reply. I’m not in VC or finance, nor am I a Warriors fan. Just a guy who has a problem with income inequality and unacknowledged privilege, but who has also grown tired of the stereotyping of anybody who is financially successful.
shut the fuck up, you’re upsetting my dog
No, actually Strop’s hat is cool.
His last contract paid him 3/$37.5M. He is three years older and making 20% more which outstrips inflation and the average rise in baseball salaries. Even better if you consider he is only playing 2 2/3 seasons.
I hope Ruiz is intro’d at his next fight as “the Brick Hithouse” or “the Southern Dandy.”
I think the game you just invented is called cricket.
Mt Everest: Come for the views, stay because you died.
You’ll cancel season tickets because of a net, and you’re talking about over-reactions?
He’s going to use the rest as a bat donut to snack on while he’s on deck--admirable foresight.
I told my husband that I, in fact, read Deadspin for the articles and the comments. It has nothing to do with hot men in swim trunks, tight soccer unis, spandex biking shorts, etc. Thank you for baring this out.