Moody's Mad Eye

Not that I ever bought his desire to become president as genuine, but it’s becoming more and more clear each day that he doesn’t give a modicum of a fuck about being president.

Looking at the MSNBC chiron in the picture and all I’m thinking is that “thanks, Hillary” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it as “thanks, Obama.”

She’s no longer No One or Arya Stark, she is now Mrs. Lovett.

Just wondering: did Cersei use the ENTIRE cache of wildfire under King’s Landing to take out the people in the Sept? Because if the mad king’s “burn them all” is advice for taking out the Whitewalkers, then she just fucked over Westeros for all of eternity, didn’t she?

“We’re gonna build a wall around Cinnabar Island. Fuchsia City will pay for it.”

My biggest takeaway from the episode was that all Snow’s forces need to do is to have a good old-fashioned training montage while singing “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” and they’ll be ready to take on Ramsay’s army.

Love that the woman in the photo is wearing an “only the best for children” t-shirt.

She’s much more eloquent than I could ever be. My response to purity culture is the Shakespeare quote “fuck off with your pious bullshit.”

Maybe. I’d hold off on breaking out the champagne, though.

The Lord of Light?

Personally, I’m glad they did this, I see WAY more than enough links to right wing sites posted on my Facebook feed.

Remember that kid in high school whose dad would yell at the top of his lungs at every single football game? This is the inevitable conclusion.

I personally believe the one true god is Loki. Given how many examples there’s been over the years of God delighting in fucking with people.

Oooh! Is it time to play the false equivalency game? I fucking love this game!

To be fair, he could have gotten his orders from Old Testament God. Who is a gigantic douche.


So, Shitter Cops are a thing? Holy shit!

Blatant bigotry aside, from a legal standpoint how are laws like this even intended to be enforced? Are there now gonna be Shitter Cops stationed outside of every restroom? Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but this sounds like government interfering with private enterprise. Don’t conservatives hate that? *cue sad

Trump once had a job as an engineer on the Death Star. He’s responsible for the destruction of Alderaan. Fact.

It’s because he’s completely responsible for what happened to the rabbits in Watership Down.