Gurl, do you mean sentient?!?
Gurl, do you mean sentient?!?
fucking virgin
“sentiment handlebar mustache David Crosby”????? I think you meant “sentient”.
Right, let’s start.
Putting aside the Jan 6th stuff his wife didn’t agree with and couldn’t live with, how about the Roe V. Wade outcome that all these GOP assholes are trying to overturn cause they just can’t live with it.
“You have to live with rulings you do not like” is a funny argument to make in defense of overturning a ruling you did not like.
The worst kind of boss is the seagull. They flap around making a lot of noise and disrupting everything until something goes wrong. At which point, instead of taking responsibility, they just sh1t on their team.
I didn’t know what AAA was until I was in college and even now I still don’t have it. It’s not a matter of being cheap, it’s just something you don’t think about (until you need it).
I’m not a fan, I’ve never seen an episode, but I’m taking you out of the greys because all of the anti-Kardashian sentiment in the comments has just gotten so predictable and BORING.
Nothing. The answer is nothing. That’s what NFTs are worth — a big ol’ rooster egg. Digital snake oil.
Yeah, well, you know, that’s just like, uh, your opinion, man.
What’s anything really even worth, maaaan? Money’s not real.
Short term - Just tip the fucking driver when you order. You’re already supporting the company. Support the person bringing you your food.
Which means women who are in medical distress will have to wait until it becomes life threatening in order to get care. Fuck this bill and everyone who supports it.
no exceptions for rape or incest survivors
This! And I DO work at a Starbucks. This is SO RUDE to all of the customers waiting behind you.
Not sure who most of these people are but most look foolish or mentally impaired.
god, i have no clue who 90 percent of these people are