
I don't know anything about Justin Bieber but if he was on drugs before and now he's not he might be learning to deal with life without drugs. And that's a journey.

I think he is severely regressed in emotional age and does not have the tools to deal with it

Please, no one wants to see any couple, famous or not, making out at the gym. Except maybe that guy doing slow hip thrusts on an exercise ball. Who is absolutely not me. Even though the resemblance is uncanny.

If would be fun to see someone hit the beach or the public pool rocking this with a full bush. 

Bacon egg and cheese bagels used to be my favorite when I worked near a McD’s 15+ years ago. The last time I had one a couple years ago, I was unimpressed, although I was informed by a friend who worked at one that they hadn’t really changed anything.

The kerry gold butter is good.

It would totally be worth having my face clawed off to play with that tail!

So you niece is having a baby! ETA projected between Xmas and New Years! I’m here typing and grinning and crying. This is fantastic! She is so brilliant and loving and compassionate...she’s gonna be the best mom. She’s had some health issues so I already lectured her to follow all the doc’s directions and

Blammo! I actually found the picture!

Technical writer here. There are a lot of opportunities. This represents my opinion only, but a certificate program wouldn’t hold a lot of weight with me and the recruiters I work with. (When I moved to tech writing from my previous career, my career coach said not to bother, and she was right!) It’s more important

I beg to disagree--the croissants would be much lovelier. These look good, but “store bought” good.

Clearly, Cheers made those croissants.

Yeah, his dad is super rich, and he's got support on the right wing. He'll be fine, and he'll probably not even lose his seat in Congress, so WE will keep paying him to act like this until he dies (because he'll serve long enough to get the pension).

They look too big and too browned for my liking too.

Speaking of croissants, what’s everyone been cooking and/or baking lately? I haven’t really made anything note worthy this week, it’s been mostly a very sad week with putting my kitty to sleep. If anyone has suggestions for what to do with rhubarb though, I’d love to hear them! I like when a recipe includes poaching

I’m not a prude, I have no problem with nudity or anything, but these just don’t look right- they’re aesthetically unpleasant.

Those flowers ARE pretty neat, though.

Does Mr. Leyva go to his favorite bar wearing a t-shirt that says “Ask Me About My Amorphophallus Titanum!”?

Yes, salty and briny and the slight bouncy texture. The most accessible caviar-like thing (technically they are?) to try is the salmon roe or tobiko sushi. You don’t get the burst of juice like you do with salmon roe though since they are smaller.