
There is a word to describe this entire affair and everything else the family does for profit:  obscene

Jeezus, how much do you like Tom Cruise?

I’m a broken record here, but why are we talking about this movie without CONFRONTING this asshole about his “religion” and the damage it does?

Bill Cosby had an honorary doctorate too. 

Who is the trash in this scenario? I find the similarities to Ri and Amber’s testimonies to be also similar to THOUSANDS OF DOMESTIC ABUSE VICTIMS.

TLDR;  This is a joke post and the pictures are of the same person and nothing about this matters.  If I was the judge I would award 1 bitcoin dollar to both and tell them to shut the hell up and go away. 

I guess you haven’t seen the current Governor of Nebraska, and the candidates that are fighting to replace him.  Spoiler alert:  the current gov is a thumb. 

What is worse is the condor.  They come in, flap around, draw a diagram on a white board, then take flight for weeks.   Then they come back, don’t understand why the white board idea is shit, then shit on the team for not doing it right  

I still can’t wrap my mind about having to order something using specific words that represent gratitude, without having eaten a damn thing. I want to eat. I don’t want to memorize a script to do so.

“Swifties just keep getting served the goods”

I never once saw the Samantha character as a “dumb whore”. She was extremely intelligent and totally owned her sexuality. I think you are underestimating what Kim did with this part.

So few of them interpreted the hair of that time AT ALL.  I’m sorry to say it, but I agree.  SJP was one of the few who got it.  Also, MORE BUSTLES PLEASE!

Do you think she realizes that she is wearing that tiara in completely the wrong way?  The Queen is kvetching right now. 

Also, who?

This is 100% because of the heart defect (not unusual, not her fault). Yeah, there was other stuff going on, but the defect was such they did additional procedures to resolve.

don’t forget about Scientology.  They lock people in the RPF and feed them table scraps while working them 20 hours (or more) a day. 

So this atrocity was posted in December.

Huh.  It’s sweat.  I thought it was drool.  

I’m an old. Some advice.

I totally get your point regarding “The Aesthetic”, but in the case of the Petal Card, do you actually choose a credit card based on how it looks?