
She only needs to quit the reality show and her social media presence. Normal people can still wear whatever clothes they want.

Even if she did none of that except the part where she quits “reality” tv and media. She can even keep her weird nepotistic lipstick business.

I just realized something.

I’m not that kind of person where I want all the attention.

Its just like All My Children without all of the eroticised rape.

I see Lindsay from time to time at things, and I’ve been seeing her at things for at least a decade now. Work situations, but always friendly. I saw her a couple of months ago and she’s so worse for the wear it makes me feel terrible for her, for those around her, and for the years between. She allows herself to be a

Meh. I can honestly say I’ve heard all these songs over the last 6 weddings I’ve attended. Play what people have fun with and that’s alright by me. I’d probably be pretty pissed if that was a playlist for a road-trip or had to listen to during a traffic jam, but a wedding attendance of multi-generations and

I realized the other day that to me, its like a replacement for “my stories.” These are the soap operas of our generation. Everything on Days of Our Lives was stupid, fake, ridiculously over the top and yet me, my mother, my grandfather, we stuck to those stories like glue. These are the catty drunken adventures that

Since nothing here inspires me, just gonna say I ordered a lovely grey velvet chaise today, to match my years of grey status.


Goddammit J-Lo, I was going to enjoy this cheese Danish

I should be closing on my house next week.

Congratulations to your husband! It’s such a freeing feeling, knowing you can get up and go out without needing to make alterations to be near a hospital, or not worrying in case you leave your phone at home and need an ambulance.

I just saw Paul McCartney on this tour! He was so amazing and it was such a blast!

My brag is I’m now just over two years seizure free. A few years ago, when I was having between fifty-two hundred seizures a day, I never dreamed I’d get this far. I’m so ridiculously proud of myself right now. 

All of these things are awesome. My brag: I have been doing some community organizing and am loving it. I didn’t think I was an organizer. Maybe I am, because I’m finding it a lot easier than I thought it would be.

Don’t do it, if you want colour do one wall and nothing too cray cray

Ladies and gents, I’m ungreyed!

That IS a hell of an “otherwise”.