
I fail to understand why the masses are having a hard time understanding this. He is Bond. He must be Bond. I need this in my life.

I confess. This movie ran on cable this weekend and I watched. I watched it hard.


Kim. Oh, honey. I also have psoriasis. I know psoriasis. And sweetheart, psoriasis is NOT your biggest flaw. It does suck, but for the love of the flying spaghetti monster, it is no where near this burden your are trying to pass it off as.

Alzheimer’s complications.

For liquid soap in the shower, special dispensation must be given to those with disabilities. Mr. Penguin uses bath gel in a pump because he can’t use his left arm or leg (brain aneurysm, major stroke, etc.). Chasing that bar around the tub when it slips out of his one good hand is a non-starter.

Stop what you are doing right now and watch it. While she is glorious in “All About Eve” (fasten your seatbelts. etc), the level of crazy she brings in “Baby Jane” is masterful (have you served your sister a dead rat for lunch?).

What about this: While Hilary is the first female nominee for president, she is also the first former first lady. While I get the need to “firewall” the government and Bill’s charity, how much separation is reasonable? There is nothing in our history to parallel this scenario, so where is the legal line here?

Oh, you do need it. Stale english muffins from your freezer (where the last 2 always go to die). Sauce. Canned, leftover red sauce, pesto, whatever. Cheese. Mozz, parm, taco, again, whatever. If you have meat (a few pepperoni slices, chicken, salami, ham, etc.) throw that on there. Broil, bake, toaster oven, microwave

Gabby - Same. I do the same thing. Own it.

The eyebrow game is strong with this one.

For the love of Pete, what are you waiting for? If there is a time to get high, your mom has earned it. Please, give her a brownie and enjoy the moment - you might not have another chance.

My hometown. Could not be prouder. Also, need to contact the kids to find out where the brownies came from. Nom nom.

If this writer thinks for a minute that her connections didn’t help her career, I’ve got a bridge to sell him.

I just watched the Tavis Smiley episode. She called out both Donald and HRC and both parties, endorsed neither, and said she would write in her own name until she dies.

So we can agree that she does not support Trump.

Ah, I remember that tweet. Something to the effect of “I would support either of these candidates”, which at the time Bernie was still in. I took that tweet as she would support Bernie or HRC. But, as stated, she is not endorsing anyone, so it is not fair to say she supports Trump.

Wait, what? Roseanne cannot possibly support Trump. Receipts please.

So sorry to hear of your challenges, but thank you for sharing. I don’t know what’s worse: No one offering to help, or when they offer then aren’t available when you need them. When our lives change so drastically we almost become invisible. Everyone else just goes on about their merry way, while we struggle to keep

Oh, and as a reminder, for all those Jezzie’s getting ready to say “In sickness, and in health, til death do us part”, this is what that means. Your family unit can beset with a tragedy, and you need to honestly ask yourself if you can handle the “in sickness” part. Death is awful, tragic and sad, but has a definitive