
Are we the same person? I am exactly in the same head space right now. My spouse is getting all kinds of pressure from the parents and the brothers, and though they all know that I hmm... strongly dislike kids and have never felt otherwise, they just assume that my feelings are going to change because, you know, "it's

Which prompts the question...

Most important questions of utmost urgency: where is the wedding dress from and how do I get my hands on one? How do I wear it with a sizeable bust?

Fascinating. Here in Quebec, we have a quasi-constitutional right called "right to (one's) image". Even consenting to a photograph being taken does not automatically equate to consent to have a recognizable image being published (of course, the press is one exception). I find that our way makes perfect sense,

Sadly, hardly surprising. After all, Korea's almost wanton relationship with plastic surgery has spread widely across Asia with the popularity of Korea pop culture. I applaud her for skipping town and defying the pressure.

See my reply above to Kelly. It's to protect gender equality.

You can only change it for a "serious reason": eg: a truly ridiculous or infamous name. So no, even with consent, under the current laws of Quebec, you can't.

Of course, some people are always bound to complain. Who knows, maybe once we have achieved true, unwavering equality (close, but not quite there yet), freedom of choice of names can make a comeback.

It is. It is even more when knowing that the reform came in a 1981 bill (Quebec's Charter of Rights), which meant, among other things, to protect equality between men and women. Back then, Quebec's Catholic Church dominated history and its subsequent downfall warranted such measures and the law was never challenged

Parents' choice. We have a high incidence of hyphenated last names (eg: Pierre Tremblay-Ouellette). not perfect, but a compromise nonetheless.

I happily love in Quebec, Canada, where taking on your spouse's name is not allowed by law and generally seen by society as old-fashioned.

I personally approve of this. Having learned from the Señoras giving pedicures on the sidewalks of Panama City, cleavage is the best place to keep your cell phone.

A surrealist piece by your Penguin truly, for illustrative purposes.

How I respond when MY Mr Penguin takes me out to the farm.

I had this exact same diagnosis 7 months ago. Went in for an IUD installation... Left with "High grade lesion" diagnosis on my Pap smear. One month later, I was on the operating stirrups and had 3/4 inch of my cervix removed. Traumatized for two months were sexual intercourse was very difficult on a psychological

Guys... Did I miss the boat? When did Andy Dwyer become such a sizzling hot babe?

This morning on the radio, the segment mentioned how another cop had lamented on the way this situation had been handled (obviously): he recounted that in another such situation, the officer's name had been released, and the police had deployed protection around his house until the case had been resolved. Transparency

This. CBC Radio One had an interesting segment on this exact question this morning. Whereas SWAT teams were once used only in situations of utmost emergency (eg.: active shooters), they now get called in to do house raids (mostly on drugs, often for small amounts of drugs). It seems like the sense of "proportionality"

The altruism of your cat renders it less cat-worthy than mine. Helping dogs? Really?

Why is Ariana's face always shot from the 3/4 angle? It's the first thing that jarred me about her (though I love "Problems").