Not sure if this is a genuine question, but we actually get this a lot when hiring. Most of our days are spent sitting at laptops and typing, not actually driving. So not only will you be miserable, but you’ll have dreams dashed as well.
Not sure if this is a genuine question, but we actually get this a lot when hiring. Most of our days are spent sitting at laptops and typing, not actually driving. So not only will you be miserable, but you’ll have dreams dashed as well.
Too common, convertibles are annoying, and it’s styled like a melted jellybean.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie showed off his athletic side...
There is a lady at my local track who races open and closed wheel. She’s in her late 60's. The first time I met her, I asked why she raced and she said and I quote “Because I’m bad at knitting”.
The thing about shit-talking Waiters is that sometimes they spit in your food.
“Yeah, photo filters. That’s what happened to me too.”
-LeBron James
Because he joined Garnett, Pierce, and Allen in Boston? I missed that.
Could you imagine picking up an educated (shallow) woman for a first date in this thing?
I’m an entomologist and I work with that beautiful specimen you have pictured, Ae. aegypti. To maintain a colony in the lab, I will sometimes have to feed them by sticking my arm into a cage and letting them go to town. My best advice to avoid getting a reaction is to NOT SCRATCH no matter how much they itch. Once you…
i like the way u think, stephenmcknight
These layoff announcements are getting more and more sudden.
Then change the photo. I’d have sex with Kate Beckinsale under almost any circumstance I can think of, and many that I have not.
I’m still hoping Boston trades the first pick to Toronto who takes Ball. I want to see anarchy on draft day at the Ball family table.
Jesus. they all park WITHIN the lines.
Thank you *so* much for disregarding my inability to mention that the dunk accounted for a third of Turner’s points, as this post went up midway through the second quarter and I freely acknowledge that I cannot psychically ordain a guy’s scoring total before halftime.
“Pfft. Amateur.”
The fact that the kid starts doing chest compressions is fucking adorable.
Just as well. Guy thrives in isolation.