
Me think me speak for many, many readers when me say writers who keep this site going in future not really issue, as this is last time me will click on site that me loved for so many years. G/O has destroyed beloved cultural institution — gutting this site akin to bulldozing Sesame Street, and me for one not would be

Indie rock in 2022 = young gals with amazing bodies putting shit on their face

Ma’am? Ma’am? Excuse me...I’m sorry, ma’am? It’s just’am, there’s’ve got...on your...right there on your...

You think tweets from random assholes are evidence? They’re not. They’re just tweets from random assholes.

Now playing

I’ll see your Sunny, and raise you 30 Rock Live.

Oh, well if half a dozen Twitter randos say it...

Pretend you guys have ever, ever let context get in the way of a good outrage.

I can’t wait to see the new throw cushions these guys are going to come up with.

Personally I would’ve gone with “Death Row Records Granted Reprieve by Snoop Dog” but to each their own.

I think they were pretty good at being what they were: shitty, disreputable sleaze metal that your parents would kick you out for listening to. Shout at the Devil is a cool album in a braindead way, and”Wild Side” and “Kickstart my Heart” are genuinely good hard rock songs.

Let’s not get carried away, now

I like Pearl Jam but it was all downhill after Ten.

Jesus, what black arts did they use to reanimate Mick just to prop him up for that photo? Keith Richards look more life-like.

Looking forward to Den of Thieves 5: Cannibal Corpse.

Race is an invention if you’re speaking purely scientifically. There is no such thing as a biological “race” - all human beings have the same DNA structure and are 99.9999% genetically similar. In other words, there is no biological, cellular difference between a person from Ethiopia and a person from Sweden. People

That’s a nice quote, but I don’t think it actually addresses OP’s question. The question appears to be about item durability. One of the very last sentences of the review briefly acknowledges that weapons can break, but it says nothing about how durable items actually are.

Instead of posting a snarky, sarcastic comment you could actually read his question. He was talking about weapon durability; the melee weapons in the first one broke too quickly for most people.

I think he meant that they break almost immediately whenever you actually use one. 

I think they’re referring to weapon durability, the bane of melee-focused titles looking to stretch out gametime.