
I’m still here. Just don’t punch me. 

What the hell is an eco-friendly NFT?

Ticket for one, please!

I have a ball, perhaps you’d like to bounce it?

I’d eat that hedgehog. 

I’d eat that possum.

That’s the green goblin costume alright but do we have confirmed Willem Dafoe in the movie?

I’d eat that fox. 

Didn’t she used to wear aerobics-style leg warmers? I feel like I remember seeing her in leg warmers. 

I would eat that duck. 

Season 2 of Hypnotoad was terrible but season 3 was the goat. 

Not gonna hurt is it? 

Guys, I screwed up and got the vaccine. How do I get the Gates microchip out of my arm before they turn on the mind control?

May I interest you in a little film called The Road

Yeah, but what’s Chris’s take on Mondays? 

It worked out so well for the Universal Dark Universe. 

Ice Cube. Patriot. 

They don’t make many of those anymore. 

Hey! Don’t talk shit about my dad like that!

I heard Affleck was da’ bomb in that.