Yup! Tywin and Joffrey dead, no wildlings, no sign of winter coming. There are no real enemies. It’s not scary enough.
Yup! Tywin and Joffrey dead, no wildlings, no sign of winter coming. There are no real enemies. It’s not scary enough.
Johnny Depp.
Quite possible she didn’t have the possibility to stay legally. Even people from other “Western” countries have a hard time immigrating to the USA.
Pretty sure his father was in the army, born in the 90s though.
Yeah, I know a guy who has a German and a US passport. Both citizenships from birth.
I’m pretty sure most people are free of addiciton. Wanting a lot of something and feeling bad if you can’t have it is not addiction.
I always imagined it to be really comfortable... I mean, you have pillows with you wherever you go, your butt never hurts from sitting on something hard!
Shaving one’s head out of shame is fairly typical in Japan. I went to a Japanese high school for a bit and when our soccer team lost an important game, the whole team (80-100 kids) had to shave their heads...
I miss living in Japan...
Doesn’t always help. I wanted a nosejob from when I was 12/13. My mum always tried to tell me I didn’t need one. I’m almost 25 and I still want a nosejob.
When I was 17 I went to Japan for a year without my parents, I stayed with a hostfamily though. Japan is extremly safe!
When I was 22 a guy told me I was pretty much over my “expiry date” and that I should get used to “spreading my ugly legs for old men”. He was angry because I wasn’t interested in guys over 30 at that time.
I think his music is awesome, I can listen to it over and over and over again and it doesn’t get boring. I also like that he shows his emotions openly, very few people do that.
Nope. They press their legs against yours until you give up and make yourself small.
Yup! Exactly the reason why I put my bag next to me. Too keep men from getting too close.
What? They do it everywhere. At least in the 10+ countries where I used public transportation.
I often put my bag on the seat next to me. I have a reason. There are people I really don’t want to sit next too: Manspreaders. Men are often getting so close (sometimes on purpose) to me I feel completly overwhelmed. I make myself as small as possible (and I’m not big to begin with) and they still touch me. I put my…
I’m mostly straight and I find less than one percent of guys attractive. I hate it because I’m scared I’ll never find anyone but I can’t change it either.
High doses of zinc and omega 3 + topical retinoids have helped me a lot. My acne is almost gone unfortunately the scars aren't.
For some reason I was the opposite as a child. Couldn’t throw away anything because it felt like killing it.