Oh no that sucks! Here you can get triptans over the counter. It took me a long time to try them but they work.
Oh no that sucks! Here you can get triptans over the counter. It took me a long time to try them but they work.
Picky vegan with a histamine intolerance. I have to invent so many new dishes atm...
And decaf coffee! If you give me normal coffee I’ll get a horrible migraine and forget about whatever I planned on doing that day.
I recently found out I have a histamine intolerance and can’t have tomatoes anymore. It’s horrible, ketchup was one of my favourite foods. I don’t know what I would do if I also couldn’t eat potatoes anymore. Sounds horrible.
Guinea pigs with some white around their little mouths.
That GIF scarred me for life.
There’s probably only one hole visible from the outside and it seperates into two vaginas inside.
Told me I look 20 twice and 47 once. I don’t think it works?
In the USA you can hit people as long as they’re your children??
People get raped by the people they spend time with. If you’re a privileged white woman, you’re probably going to get raped by a privileged white man.
I think it’s really interesting that only white guys become mass shooters. I guess it has to do with being entitled. PoC and women offen feel guilty, white men think there’s something wrong with others.
Everything Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie!
What about synthetic ones? They look nice, are cheap and conflict-free!
He actually says a lot of empathic and smart things. I think he’s the kind of person who feels a lot. Love, anger etc. About himself but about others as well.
Leave him alone, Heidi, leave him alone!
I’ll tell you if I actually do it.
I started taking pictures of things laying on the ground, because there are so many weird things. Underwear, bananas, beerbottles covered in confetti... Maybe one day I’ll start a blog.
Factitious disorder is a mental disorder where you pretend to be sick.
Transphobic, there’s a difference.
I like skinny dudes with baby faces. He’s too manly for me. But his body is good.