
More like The Little Sisters of the Poor Sports, amirite?!

I think they meant real sports.

The exact thing I was thinking of. Also this:

10/10 would bang all iterations.

The lace collar is elegant.

You can both be right AND both be pervs. You can truly have it all, don’t you see?

Goats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

She also organizes my colognes and combs.

Nanny reads this article like

Shut your stupid fucking mouth, you trust fund, nepotistic, born into privilege, entitled, condescending, disingenous, pretending to be Mexican, piece of shit.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that productivity does not necessarily mean one must work longer hours.

Back under the bridge sir

Babies put things in their mouth that they aren’t always supposed to. Ariana is probably just teething!

Diaper Genie. It’s a Diaper Genie.

I will never understand fashion.

Every day I miss Regretsy.

I think this is adorable.

Somewhere in another universe, a goldfish bride is gluing a naked, drowning family of four from Dearborn, Michigan to a tiny, decorative house, finishing up final preparations the night before her wedding.

OH MY GOD with the freaking Mason jars!!