
What films of his languish in the dollar bin? His least popular must be The World’s End and that is part of the cornetto trilogy so people still buy it.

He is Egyptian, not spanish, and everyone knows that ancient egyptian sounds like modern scottish 

Asim Chaudhry is great and he is going to nail this role

I cant wait for them to announce Kat Dennings as Death

Totally what I thought when I saw the photo on the twitters

Watership Down was PG in 1978

Tom King is a monster... A ... MONSTER

Such a good film

He has done some short films before

You misunderstood me, I wasn’t disagreeing with Nicole, I was asking a question

I am really not trying to be rude, and im not trying to hide my ignorance on the subject. What was transphobic about a game of you?

My friends and me saw the trailer at the cinema and all got super excited for it, when we saw it we were all so disappointing, if any of us are excited for something to kerb our anticipation someone will just say ‘dragons in the future’

You seem overly optimistic to me

You are almost done then, I just finished and I want the next part so bad

He has a scouse accent for the first time

I didnt feel like the was no good character and everyone was interchangeable, but then I have read the comic

Thats her power, she doesnt need to train, she can just do it

I’m a bit confused, didnt flash Gordon kill this guy 40 years ago?

I watched ‘Red Son’ the other day, if its already out shouldnt it not be in morning spoilers?