
Michael makes my skin crawl, especially when he smiles.

Agree Michael is the worst!! I like her baby daddy better.

Team Michael forever and ever (even though they alluded to him dying at some point in Season 1)!

I am caught up. Don’t feel like they gave the professor the arch he deserved and I hate Michael.

But he was 5 inches erect. While that may not be massive, it IS decidedly average. Which means he wasn’t even ‘below’ average. That’s what I don’t understand.

He’s proud, perhaps for the first time ever. I’ll allow it. The real one who lacks class is his ex, who apparently shamed him.


Words, and a bit of vomit, seem to have left me.

Wait what?

Calling Mr. Trump...

We already fucking know why!

Grossest, most awkward account?

ahhhh, the gif that keeps on giving

I’m a current Yale student and have heard that the reason he was expelled so suddenly and mysteriously is that he finally decoded the Voynich manuscript and it turns out to be a Trump/Cruz slashfic. His threats to publish it as a 13 part series in the Daily News is what sealed his fate.

First amendment!

They’re going to the NCAA tournament, so my guess is that someone at Yale told Athletics to get this tucked away before next week.

Privacy laws cover many things.

“Yale Men’s Basketball fully supports a healthy, safe and respectful campus climate where all students can flourish. Our recent actions to show our support for one of our former teammates were not intended to suggest otherwise ...”

-You can also use young volunteers in your snaps by snapping them making calls, knocking doors, or just working around the office.