
Right! Their lack of awareness if horrendous but hey, Yale isn't exactly a hotbed of pro-woman thought.

Yeah, I get why you’d do that so you could walk.

“That isn’t of any interest to me,” Jones told SI. “The only interesting thing to me right now is winning a basketball game.”<—- said every rape apologist for all eternity. That statement alone makes that guy unfit to coach “young men”, or anyone. Or procreate. Or live around women. Or know women. Or....

Yes, because an NCAA university like Yale expells their star player based off of rumor. Is this the hill you really want to die on?

My siblings and I are adopted children and 2 friends I grew up with as well...and my first thought was also for the 3 at home...

The idea of a baby growing inside me freaks me out enough (beautiful amazing miracle but sorry). This is like an ALIEN INSIDE AN ALIEN!

Yeah, I got that vibe too. Like “I’m 26 and have three perfectly good children already but now I can finally have a real baby.”

That bit made me uncomfortable. They are still her children.

I agree. My partner and I just watched this on the news, and are so perplexed that this is happening at the same time of all of the abortion regulations in our country. Those who want to outlaw abortion say “just put the baby for adoption!” but kids will still sit in orphanages and foster care now that people can

As an adopted child, I just feel nothing but sadness for her current children. Boy does this story bring up feelings.

I’m not Miss Cleo or anything but my guess is there is evidence of rape that has not been released. As you said, expelled over rumors? The university is trying to minimize.

“That isn’t of any interest to me,” Jones told SI. “The only interesting thing to me right now is winning a basketball game.”

In danger of creating a stereotype, or revealing ugly truths about young men with histories of too much power and too few consequences?

See also: Fraternities

These constant revelations about US college sportsmen being rapists is in danger of creating a stereotype.

We’re not trying to offend anyone, it’s just coming from the heart.

Sympathies from the person who has spent most of her life describing her hometown thusly, “No, its not anywhere near Portland."

“For the past several years, Georgia Tech been aggressive in punishing students accused of assault and harassment.”

Flying spaghetti monster forbid we have any kind of authority figure who takes a strict approach to fighting racial and sexual incidents. I’m all for due process but I’d rather too tough a stance than the normal one.

Yes, because in cases of sexual assault, what’s REALLY important is the schools reputation and the “college experience” of being in a fraternity.