
Did you know....

Ooh ooh! I know!


I recently learned that this phenomenon can also be referred to as “Lego Face”.

And the worst part about having to use that excuse is that the guy is only going to stop flirting/hitting on you out of respect to your imagined beau and not out of respect to your wishes to be left the fuck alone...

Stabbing seems like a reasonable response. To ...

Which might be a valid point if labour laws had not been gutted over the past 40 years to the point that an unskilled job with satisfactory conditions is pretty much a unicorn.

“The 28-year-old didn’t disclose if she had been suspended or banned by the federation”

I’d be more certain he changed his handle and is here now.

So I lived here when this happened and the reason her parents requested no prom attire is because there were some viral Facebook posts circulating in our region for Law kids to wear their prom gowns and tuxes to the wake. Just kids not really understanding whats appropriate and what isn’t.

He’s got a bit of a Tiny Face thing going on here:

Really? So you’d be okay with a big ass TV in your work-space reminding you not to steal? The implication being that the only thing keeping you from stealing is not company loyalty or professionalism, but the fact you’ll be fired or sent to jail? Because management knows you are just a criminal waiting for your

Don’t worry, MRA’s will just spend an hour of research to find the one time, out of a million, that a woman did this to a man. Poof, and just like that, the problem doesn’t exist!

Betcha he still thinks she should’ve said yes, because he’s such a nice guy.

Don’t forget, ladies - this sort of thing never happens, it’s just something SJWs make up to oppress men. (*ughhhhhhhh get me off this planet*)

Once again, Margaret Atwood says it best:

I’m gonna guess the rationale would be “She never got to go, so we can make it like prom for her” or something — good intentions with zero concept of how much it could hurt her family.

Stealing is usually a way an employee gets back at employer for bad treatment. Low wages, miserable working conditions and you get get people angry at you. Treat them like human beings with a little respect and dignity, pay them a decent wage and watch the stealing go down.

If they used similar techniques to “encourage” efficiency, the article would have been about them.

No. Employees are being intimidated by a culture of surveillance and mistrust. Each employee is seen by management as a potential criminal eve before any crime has been committed. If you can't see the Orwellian themes on display here, then you must be blind, an idiot, or a blind idiot.