
compared to who?

Anyone that obsessed with gay and bi sex- 110% guaranteed. I’ll take the under.

I mean, that would be hilarious, but I think it’s time to accept that it won’t happen. He’s running. He won’t drop out unless he somehow loses the next, like, 20 states.

Eh, I get your point, but nobody said that about Bush in 2000. Remember, 9/11 hadn’t happened yet. The argument against him, at the time, was that he was an unqualified, unserious, culturally retrograde doofus running against the sitting Vice President.

Yes, we are holding an event at Angola. We haven’t approached the event in a disrespectful manner

I’m positive that at least one of the race participants has posted a smiling selfie on Instagram when they took a tour of Auschwitz.

The voters have chosen exactly what each slickly packaged general-election Republican candidate has winked and dog-whistled and hinted he secretly was in my whole entire goddamn lifetime. They’ve chosen what apparatchiks like William Kristol have spent the past 25 years pretending Ronald Reagan wasn’t.

I agree - it’s the equivalent to a “bless your heart” in a lot of instances.

When an affectionate term like dear is used by a stranger/person in a position of power it always comes off as super condescending to me.

Ah man, we have got some serious facial expressions breaking containment at the end of this thing...

In the blog post (which I read, and would like to note that I believe I am owed that ten minutes of my life back) she concludes that "obviously" the nanny sent it to the husband on purpose to "proposition" him, then pretended she meant it for a friend.

At no point did I state that I considered them equally reckless, you really seem to be harping on that as a way to justify something still wildly illegal. I separately considered your situation reckless and unacceptable.

You are trying to justify your actions by saying things like:

No problem, if you ever want to feature BRAKES and everything that Doug Herbert has done for teen driver safety I can get you in touch. Doug has been really passionate about it since he lost his boys in 2008, his oldest was driving recklessly in the rain and cause an accident. Both of Doug’s sons were killed instantly

Quit racing on the street and go to tracks, and then maybe they won’t close.

So I help out a charity that runs free advanced driver safety course for teens, we had an event in Pomona at the fair grounds this weekend. The first thing we talk about is any recent traffic deaths, every event we have something major in LA or Orange County to talk about. This weekend it was this. One of the parents

Wrong, how do you know its deserted? Public road is 100% of the time NO.

If there’s one thing I learned on my first job doing tech support it’s that there’s no age limit on stupidity.

Street racing on deserted road is one thing, but with traffic involved, plainly stupid.