
That’s a troll. Best to ignore.

And what’s that supposed to mean? Maybe you should write what you really want to say.

The second it is conceived, it becomes a fully formed human being and just looks like a tiny baby, kinda like this:

He’s full of it. His father, Fred Trump, was arrested in the 20s for participating in a KKK rally that turned violent. Fred Trump was also sued in the 70s by the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division for refusing to rent to black people

“How is Babby formed?”

What is reality?

“I didn’t say that, though now that you ask it, no I don’t. Or else people wouldn’t still look at black men the way they do, or women the way they do, or homosexuals the way they do. Finn being black didn’t stop any bank from redlining a black family in the inner city. To even pretend like pop entertainment is some

“People who “fight” for a gay character in a movie while thinking they’re effecting social change, make me fucking sick.”

Enh, there’s too many testimonials from young gay or questioning kids finding joy and hope seeing something they could identify with on-screen to ignore the positive effect of representation in mainstream entertainment. It’s absolutely (one of) the things worth fighting for.

I think you’re inventing a strawman here.


love that she threw on the jordan jersey to really get into character, but like, not SO much into character that she’s not still basic!

“haha! I, a white person, doing a hip hop rap! How delightfully absurd!” - the subtext of every acoustic cover.

I’ve been waiting patiently for this.

Okay thanks for your input, Cheryl. By the way, one of your cheek implants is trying to crawl away.

Says the lady with the nicotine-stained teeth

Plus Ms Graham’s measurements are 42 30 46! She is well under the 35 threshold favored by Dr Oz.

Graham looks healthy and as if she’s at a normal weight for her height.

Yeah people have weird priorities in life. I’m also a Saints fan and thinks it’s bullshit that they are receiving 20-30 million a year from the state of Louisiana. Being a fan and being critical are not 2 mutually exclusive concepts.