
1) Your point in your previous post about UT providing council to accused but not victims is horrifyingly interesting, and the point about it being based on the Tennessee penal system is horrifyingly interesting as well. If I were you, I would email Diana with that information, or Barry (with some documentation, you

I changed my username from “Pearls of Wisdom” after Bruce left the University in disgrace. Guess it’s time for another change.

Yup. Sadly, my mortgage lives here. And, on top of that, it’s in Chicago :(

The weird thing is all this racist fervor is kicking in at a time when crime rates are dropping, pregnancy rates are dropping, affirmative action has disappeared, taxes are low, welfare rolls have disappeared - yet black people are still being scapegoated. Rural white Americans - it is not our fault your lives suck.

It’s ironic that you are taking the opportunity of an article about a rape case that wasn’t prosecuted in part because the victim was shamed and frightened into refusing to press charges to irrelevantly smear another woman based on who you claim she was having sex with. You and ol’ VolBrian are the best illustration


One thing I’d like Butch Jones to do is not call players “traitors” for helping sexual assault victims. A general laissez fair attitude towards how his players view and treat women is sadly par for the course in major college athletics, and therefore probably not grounds for singling Butch out. However, taking the

The players admitted to police to harassing and assaulting their teammate...players confirmed to police that Jones told players to stay away from their teammate.

What the fuck do you want Butch Jones (or Davis if you’re writing hit pieces) to do?

You mean the debunked bullshit. Can’t you fucking read you illiterate piece of shit?

VolBrian, I am a fellow Tennessee alum and (usual) fan of my school’s sports teams, especially the football team. However, this is fucking disgusting and fucked up. It’s not just a Butch Jones (or Phil Fulmer) problem. It’s not just an A.J. Johnson, Marlin Lane, et al. problem. It’s not just a Tennessee football (or

I went to UT and I’m proud of many aspects of it, but that’s bullshit and you know it. Who are we going to believe: the people with millions of dollars at stake or the person who was cleared of any wrongdoing and was doing her fucking job?

“The case is back in the news as a part of the sweeping Title IX lawsuit brought against the university, accusing it of “deliberate indifference” to sexual assault by athletes.”

Thanks Deadspin and Diana. As a UT grad and having interacted with a lot of the athletes there, a ton of them were really good people. Guys like Jabari Greer and Leonard Scott are some of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. A lot of them work hard and are actually student-athletes.

Wow I am glad we got your unbiased opinion, VolBrian.

Don’t feel too bad, Butch Davis is also an asshole who can’t control a football program.

Or, she wasn’t and that was just some misinformation spread by the AD in order to justify canning her... Which is more likely, iyo?

You mean the report on the link, where the University admitted to finding no evidence.

Dang it, I was afraid that would happen. Fixed and thank you!