
If I saw the two people pictured passing out flyers at a CPAC thing, somebody would have to tell me they were supposed to be dressed as a “pimp” and a “prostitute.” To which I would reply, “What? You’re full of shit. Those are just some poorly-dressed token minorities. And the guy is taking that fur wrap thing to the

You’ve just articulated every fight I’ve had with MrStu’s family in the past two years, rage rant included. There seems to be no way to penetrate their self-righteousness.

I want to grow up to be an abortion fairy. Though it would probably be super boring, I will totally parachute in and do it.

I personally cannot deal with this shit anymore. When Kasich defunded planned parenthood in my lovely state I took to Facebook to write about the Hyde Amendment. I lost friends in the process and am currently losing my ten year relationship with my hard right in laws over this nonsense.

This will keep happening if pro choicers continue to sit out local elections and only care when it is a presidential election. The religious right is highly motivated to vote and do not care if “heathens, nonbelievers and whores” suffer.

1/3 of women have had an abortion in their lifetime. That’s a LOT. We have let these assholes control the narrative for too long. Besides voting and yelling on the internet, I don’t know what else to do. I have been debating on writing a public piece about my abortion (which was fairly recent) because I feel like its

The story about the 13 year old was heart-wrenching. I wish it wasn’t believable that it was happening here.

I totally agree.

this rash of efforts to weasel around the legality of abortion is going to have huge repercussions for society in general in a few decades’ time. it is tragic for poor and middle class women in the here and now, but as this incoming flood of babies who’s mothers couldn’t afford them comes of age they’re going to have

John Oliver did an outstanding piece over this on Sunday. I lost my shit when the doctor, who cashed out his life savings to move his now shuttered womens clinic to a new location, is again under threat because Alabama wants to make it illegal to operate such an establishment within 2,000 feet of a school. The

Every time I hear more of these grim statistics, I become more convinced that culture change (rather than legal battles) is the best way to preserve our access to reproductive care. Coming out was unthinkable until people started coming out. Those of us who have had abortions must begin to talk more, more openly, and

Rural Iowa right here. I am involved in an effort to save our Family Planning Clinic. Just secured funding to keep it limping along another year. Time to try to get folks to open those pocket books now!! The place serves 7 counties!

I’d like to see something like that, but not from him. Maybe one of his kids can write it later, or some trusted advisor (bonus if it’s some mid level guy that managed to earn respect from both sides). But the man needs to keep his appearance of stoic dignity til the day he dies. It’s not fair at all, but that’s how

Okay, I’ve moved on from thinking you’re an idiot to thinking you’re a troll. Bye now.

There’s a difference between Filibustering confirmation of an actual nominee you are opposed to and refusing to participate in your duty prior to a nominee being set forth. And stop saying “dear”, it’s fucking creepy.

And what was the result of those processes? Your own citations contradict you, dear. Obama opposed the filibuster, which was designed to get a different nominee, not NO nominee. Biden also proposed a different nominee, not NO nominee.

Biden urged them not to retire just to affect who could nominate their successor.

I’m sure you can cite an actual example of Democrats actually blocking an actual nominee, right?

The biggest reason not to do that is because the second he even hints that there may be a bit of racism involved, millions of wingnuts will cry out “OF COURSE he pulls the RACE CARD”, and the right wing base will suddenly be rejuvenated.

I really wish he could just come out and say “Look we get it you are all racist pieces of shit, but can we at least PRETEND to get something done here” Like the tea party was formed after he gained office, they shut down the government when he makes changes, when he was first elected there was that whole thing about