
It’s a finger of speech.

In college, I could try to do that, and no matter what, it would mean something, but everyone just wanted something from me. Give me that, Jameis, gimme, gimme, gimme.

“Black folks tear each other down all the time, it’s not something she invented but does a great job of continuing.” Dude, what? Come on, you serious? Let’s not fall into that trap of saying how terrible Black people are, so this one Black person shouldn’t be called on her shit. She is purposely mean-spirited,

Get a better hero.

“Excuse me sir, yes, before you assault me could you wait one moment? I need to strap on my GoPro. One sec, one sec.....sorry the strap is fiddly...”

Or left on Earth?

What the hell is Wendy even suggesting with that comment? The clip cuts out immediately before she clarifies what she means by “rolling camera on it, you know like a camera [cuts out]” but she puts her hand up to the top of her head like she’s talking about filming sexual abuse with a GoPro. Like, WTF? A: GoPro hadn’t

Jeb Bush is two black dots rolling in the eyeholes of a soggy paper plate mask.

He's an entirely CGI character. Having him turn into an entirely CGI normal looking guy would be buying a one-way ticket to the uncanny valley.

It’s because they finally got Colossus right. I just know it.

The difference is that Marvel based their shared universe on one solid film, Iron Man. WB is basing their shared DC universe on a Superman movie that at best got mixed reviews and at worst was panned by critics. You can tell why starting production on a Justice League film before you even know if their interpretations

Wouldn’t it make sense to wait until after BvS premiers to make this decision given that the DCCU is hinging on that one movie doing ok?

Right, obviously, especially because it was at the Berlin film festival.

yes, it’s more than “not exactly what happened”. and although im not sure if all the details you’ve now reported were available at the time, there was MORE than enough context publicly, widely available at the time of the original “report”. had anyone at jezebel had any journalistic integrity, you would have known

I’ve known Meryl for over 25 years. She is one of the most generous, gracious human beings I’ve ever met, full stop. This particular case of faux outrage really pissed me off.

Exactly what I thought.

It seemed to me that, in context, she was essentially paraphrasing JFK’s “ich bin ein Berliner” statement. We’re all Berliners, we’re all Africans.

A journalist lied. And now other journalists who are reporting on the first journalist’s lies say only that it’s “not exactly” how things really happened. Y’all are disgusting.

Damn right! There aren't many actresses out there willing to do this.

Yeah, after this correction, where it seems like Meryl is not saying “white people count as diversity” (which is ludicrous) but “I can relate to films from other cultures because we share a common humanity,” (which is utterly uncontroversial) the people who need redemption (which still seems like a strong word) are