
My friend and I did every home basketball game pep band our senior year of high school with a Route 44 Dr. Pepper and SoCo. Our instruments smelled so bad at the end of that year.

2 liter of Vernors.

I prefer to make my alcoholic soda pop the old-fashioned way: Southern Comfort and Dr. Pepper in a gas station styrofoam fountain cup.

Oh, are they? I hadn’t heard. They should try advertising that a little.

You. And Watson.

Alternately, alternately we can attract people into our armed services via solid wages and comprehensive post-service benefits.

I used to be a “head is for Clinton, heart is for Sanders” Democrat until I read this:

That isn’t feasible. It is outrageously unlikely that we will never need it again. But in the event of global warfare, we must have a means of drafting our able-bodied to fight. I say this as the daughter of a conscientious objector who fought in court for his right not to go to war (he was the son of pastor, the

I’m in favour of abolishing the draft entirely.

As a woman, it is hard to argue for equality without agreeing that women should have to register. So bring it on. Give us the same rights and requirements as men.

Counting Thursday’s (potential?) debate, the DNC has six debates scheduled. I mean, is that not enough? The people who were going to watch the debates to make up their minds will have ample opportunity. And the Clinton/Sanders debates have not been particularly enlightening, for whatever reason. Perhaps its because

Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world

The weekend debates are super lame Hil. Why not have them in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle while the Superbowl is going on? Fucking have at it.

I’m #TeamHillary here. You said you wanted more debates, everyone agreed to add more debates, and now you want to change the deal? Tough cookies. You should’ve spoken up before.

It’s tempting to like Megyn Kelly because she gets into feuds with douchebags about their bullshit and then I remember that she also works for Fox and is a republican and isn’t exactly speaking truth to power herself.

Avery is probably going to get out even though there’s a big chance he really is guilty, and poor Brendan is going to rot in prison, because apparently everyone has either forgotten he exists or no one cares.

FYI, Vanessa Hudgens is dedicating her performance to her dad, who died yesterday.

He has significant cognitive impairments which likely affected his fine motor skills, including his handwriting.

Google Ryan Ferguson. She is responsible for finally freeing him 10 years after he was sent to prison bc of a “dream”.

Wait, is she alleging that Twitter is somehow involved in a conspiracy against Stephen Avery? Because, ummmm. No.